The EEC is Operating a Safety Management System
In 2004, the senior management team of the EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre (EEC) decided that a safety management system (SMS) should be developed at the EEC. The aim of putting such a system into place is to provide the EEC with the means to detect, from the very first stages of an ATM project (namely the development of concepts and ideas and design), ATM-related safety issues that might otherwise only become apparent later on when incidents or accidents occur. Once detected, these safety issues could be addressed so as to eliminate or reduce their effect on the safety of the future air transport system.
Consequently, putting such an SMS in place could help to prevent accidents in the future and could also ensure safety ‘coherence’ in the future vision of ATM (in particular with the advent of SESAR). Note though that, whilst it is considered good practice for an operational type of organisation to have an SMS, it is less common for an R&D centre to have an SMS that can have a real impact on the safety of its products.
The figure below illustrates the five key activities of the EEC' SMS; they are displayed in the form of a continual improvement loop. The arrow spiralling up indicates that the assurance and promotion activities together should ensure that the EEC's SMS continually improves and, as it does, so should safety performance.
More information is available below:
HTML Policy
HTML Achievement
HTML Assurance
HTML Promotion
The EEC's Work Programme
The work programme of the EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre (EEC) is the sum of all the activities that are carried out by the staff of the EEC to meet the business objectives that have been set for them collectively. The activities that are carried out depends on the strategic business objectives of the EUROCONTROL agency.
HTML The Agency's strategic business objectives
The work programme breakdown
The overall work programme is broken down into a small number of first-level units, known as work packages. Each first-level work package can itself be decomposed into a number of second-level work packages, which can themselves be decomposed into a number of third-level work packages. And so on.
The first-level work packages
The EEC's work programme is composed of 6 first-level work packages. These are:
HTML Short-term Support
HTML Mid-term Validation
HTML Long-term Investigation
HTML Innovative Studies
HTML Research Enablers
About The EEC
The origins of the Experimental Centre
The EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre (EEC) was officially established as the research and development arm of the EUROCONTROL Agency about 45 years ago. Its initial responsibilities were defined as:
carrying out operational research and testing air traffic control (ATC) methods,
performing operational demonstrations of the validity of the ATC system proposed, and
evaluating, operationally and technically, equipment being developed for ATC systems.
The EEC was the first establishment in the world to perform a totally digital real-time simulation for ATC. A real-time simulation replicates the control room of an ATC centre and the ATC system behaviour as well as the behaviour of the aircraft in the designated airspace. The controller interacts with the system in the same way as with the operational environment, and dialogues with pseudo pilots (human beings) who receive the instructions of the controller and "fly" the simulated aircraft. The purpose of a real-time simulation is to obtain air traffic controller validation of the new features being simulated and tested such as new tools, new airspace design, new procedures, new air routes. It is of paramount importance to fully validate such new features before they can be operationally implemented by the national air navigation service providers.
The Experimental Centre today
The staff and resources of the EEC are now integrated into the Cooperative Network Design (CND) directorate.
HTML Find our more about the CND directorate.
We currently have more than 250 staff: scientists, engineers, controllers, and support and administrative staff. We recruit them from all of the EUROCONTROL member states and this cultural mix combines with academic excellence to generate a vibrant and innovative environment.
The EEC Building
The EEC building is set on a site of some 90,000 square metres and has a total floor space of some 15,000 square metres which comprises office space, meeting rooms, video conferencing facilities, experimental rooms, and workshops, in addition to the real-time simulation area consisting of two control rooms and a pilot room.
The Research Areas of the EEC
At the EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre (EEC), the portfolio of activities that are carried out to implement the work programme are partitioned amongst 4 areas of research, namely:
HTML Airport
HTML Air Traffic Control (ATC)
HTML Communications-Navigation-Surveillance (CNS)
HTML Network
Research Methods
At the EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre (EEC), the Research Methods team (RMS) is a provider of analytical services that help the EEC to provide objective evidence to stakeholders about the potential value and expected impact of the concepts under development. In a similar way, RMS provides objective data supporting policy making bodies in their regulatory choices.
RMS promotes the importance of technical quality and consistency in the work and delivery of the centre. To do so, RMS develops methods that it will continuously examine and improve in order to provide an effective and efficient set of services in line with the needs of the EEC work programme, and the SESAR Joint Undertaking (JU) expectations to evaluate SESAR concept performance.
The methods fall into the following five fields of study:
HTML Environment
HTML Human Factors
HTML Safety
HTML Support to Regulation
HTML Validation
Models, Tools, and Simulators
At the EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre (EEC), the objective of the "Models, Tools, and Simulators" work package is to:
develop, and maintain, a set of software and hardware validation tools for use in the validation activities at the EEC, and
drive the development of a coherent European research and validation infrastructure consistent with the requirements of the "SESAR" (Single European Sky ATM Research) programme.
Work breakdown
This work package is split into 6 areas, namely:
HTML Aircraft Performance Model
HTML ATFM Modelling Tools
HTML Fast-time Simulation Tools
HTML Real-time Simulation Tools
HTML Software Engineering
External initiatives
External initiatives
The "European Validation Infrastructure" initiative
In order to anticipate the needs for the validation activities of the "SESAR" programme, the EVI (European
Validation Infrastructure) initiative was launched.
HTML The "SESAR" programme
The major actors from the ATM research community were brought together to identify the infrastructure needed to support:
the validation of the ATM operational concept, and
the assessment of the performance of the ATM operational concept
whilst ensuring compliance with the E-OCVM (European Operational Concept Validation Methodology).
The scope of the EVI is:
all ground and airborne ATM elements,
all current and future ATM concepts, and
This covers a wide range of simulations and modelling facilities, such as:
analytical performance models,
analytical measurement methods and tools,
automatic/fast-time simulation tools,
human-in-the-loop simulation platforms (real-time simulations), and
field experiment platforms
that have been, or are being, developed and operated within various organisations in Europe.
Projects Undertaken by the EEC
Completed projects
HTML Selected completed projects
Current projects
Part funded by the European Commission
Some of the projects that are currently under way at the EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre (EEC) are funded in part by the European Commission.
HTML Current projects that are part-funded by the European Commission
Many of the other projects that are currently under way at the EEC are listed below.
HTML ACAS Monitoring ACAS Operational Monitoring/TCAS Alert Analysis
HTML Air-TN Air Transport Net
HTML ASAS-TN II Airborne Separation Assistance System Thematic Network 2
HTML ASSTAR Advanced Safe Separation Technologies and Algorithms
HTML ASTP ADS Studies and Trials
HTML ATFM Studies ATFM Simulation in Support of CFMU Operation
HTML BADA The Base of Aircraft Data
HTML CAATS II Co-operative Approach to Air Traffic Services II
HTML CAMES Co-operative ATM Measures for a European Single Sky
HTML CARE-INO Co-ordinated Actions for Research in EUROCONTROL
HTML CATS Contract-based Air Transportation System
HTML COCA Complexity and Capacity Analysis
HTML CoSpace ASAS Activities at the EEC
HTML CREDOS Crosswind Reduced Departure Separations
HTML Datalink Enabling Controller-Pilot Datalink Communication
HTML EAT Experiments and Trial Platform Development
HTML ECHOES EUROCONTROL - Consolidation of HMI for Operations, Evaluations and Simulations
HTML EMMA 2 European Airport Movement Management by A-SMGCS
HTML Enhanced FAP Enhanced FAP Methodology
HTML ENV KPI Environment Key Performance Indicators
HTML EPATS European Personal Air Transport System
HTML Episode 3 Improvement of ATM System Processes Through Validation
HTML ERASMUS En-Route Air Traffic Soft Management Ultimate System
HTML ERATS Environmentally-responsible Air Transport
HTML ERIS eDEP Early Demonstration and Evaluation Platform for Rapid Prototyping
HTML EVP EATMP Validation Platform
HTML Exploratory Studies Studies on Society, the Environment, and Economy
HTML FAP Future ATM Profile
HTML GAES Global Aviation Emissions Studies
HTML GENSPACE Generic Airspace and Environment for Common Use
HTML GROUND Centralising Flight Plan and Surveillance Data
HTML GTG Gate-to-Gate 2005
HTML HADES Help Tool for Airspace Design
HTML HISAC Environmentally-friendly High Speed Aircraft
HTML iFly ATM-supported Autonomous Aircraft
HTML IMAGINE Improved Methods for the Assessment of the Generic Impact of Noise in the Environment
HTML ITWP Integrated Tower Working Position
HTML MASS Multi-aircraft Simplified Simulator
HTML MCS A Pilotable High-fidelity Aircraft Simulator
HTML MIME Market-based Impact Mitigation for the Environment
HTML Mode S Mode S Development and Experiments
HTML NEVAC ACC and Network Capacity Evaluation Tool
HTML NUP2+ NEAN Update Project 2+
HTML OASIS Open Architecture for Simulation Systems
HTML OPTIMAL Optimised Procedures and Techniques for Improvement of Approach and Landing
HTML Paradigm SHIFT Holistic Approach of the Air Navigation System Organisation Based on Contracts of Objectives and Dual Airspace
HTML Point Merge Improving and Harmonising Arrival Operations with Existing Technology
HTML PROVE European ATC Pre-operational Validation and Experimental Trial
HTML RESET Reducing Separation Standards
HTML SAFMOD Safety Modelling
HTML STORIA Software Tool for On-line Recording and Interactive Analysis
HTML Super Highway Developing an Innovative Airspace Traffic Structure
HTML SWIM-Suit System-wide-information-management-supported Innovative Technologies
HTML TESA Toolset For Environmental Sustainability Assessment
HTML Time-based Separations A New Concept of Operation for the Arrival Phase of Flights
HTML WakeSep Wake Vortex Separation Reductions
Traffic Flow and Capacity Management
Quick links
HTML Click here for detailed information on Central Flow Management Unit
Setting the scene
As with any other commodity, airspace is a valuable resource, particularly when subject to high traffic demand. Since airspace is a fixed volume, its management (i.e. its organisation and use) is a vital activity to satisfy the needs of the aircraft operators in the most efficient and equitable manner.
However, the ebb and flow of economic activity and the surge in traffic demand during certain periods, mean that the available Air Traffic Control (ATC) capacity needs a smoothing mechanism to avoid overloads and to maximise the use of the airspace. This 'mechanism' is known as Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) and the dual objectives; to avoid overloads and to ensure that capacity is fully exploited, represent the core ATFM activities.
Air Traffic Flow Management is provided within Europe by the Central Flow Management Unit (CFMU) which is operated by EUROCONTROL for the benefit of all airspace users, including of course, the travelling public.
Organising the airspace is another paramount activity for us. It is supported by EUROCONTROL's strategy for airspace management. One Sky for Europe is our motto.
Related links
HTML Click here to access CFMU web site
If you are involved, in whatever capacity, with air navigation, you matter to us.
The world of air navigation is large and complex. We wish to fully share our knowledge, experience and vision to increase synergies between all our stakeholders, and contribute to the vitality of your business. This is why our public website is so large.
As we are keen to increase our audience and stimulate awareness and understanding of EUROCONTROL's mission, we have prepared a guided tour tailored at your specific needs.
But before you embark on your journey, here is a brief reminder of what EUROCONTROL is and does:
Our organisation
Our business
Enjoy navigating across our website.
Aeronautics industry
Air navigation service providers Airports Air traffic controllers Military Regulatory authorities
Civil airspace users Pilots Passengers Media Education world Help with stakeholder groups
Online Services
Access OneSky Online, EUROCONTROL's extranet OneSky Online
EUROCONTROL's extranet accessible to
all stakeholders
The aircraft operators' corner for all information to safely fly across Europe Aircraft Operators' Corner
All the information you need to fly safely across European skies
Improving Safety in Air Navigation
Flying is the safest way of travelling.
There have been fewer fatalities in the entire history of civil aviation over the world than there are road deaths every year in Europe and in the U.S.
Why is flying so safe?
Safety is the top priority in aviation. In fact the main purpose of Air Traffic Management (ATM) services is to ensure that airplanes depart, fly and land safely, while maintaining the most efficient operational and economic conditions.
Safety is EUROCONTROL’s raison d’ĂȘtre. Our aim is to ensure that air traffic management services, of which air traffic control is a part, remain safe today and in the future.
Safety in European air traffic management
Fact sheet on EUROCONTROL's role in air traffic safety
Acrobat EUROCONTROL Safety Policy (revised June 2008) [132 KB]
Reducing incidents while traffic continues to grow
The biggest challenge for safety is traffic growth because when traffic doubles, risk is squared. And traffic is growing by about 5% a year, which means that there will be twice as many airplanes in the sky in 2020 as there are now.
As the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, EUROCONTROL is intensifying its efforts to maintain the highest safety levels. In fact safety performance needs to be improved ten-fold to make sure that the rate of accidents does not increase.
European Safety Programme for Air Traffic Management
Watch our first 'Fly' programme on air traffic management
2006 was the safest year on record for aviation in Europe and the third consecutive year in which there were no ATM-service related accidents. This was despite an all-time annual record of almost 10 million flights in European airspace.
Active in all areas of air traffic management safety
EUROCONTROL is actively involved in all areas of Air Traffic Management (ATM) safety:
Safety research
Our researchers are constantly testing and developing new safety management concepts and safety assessment methodologies and tools for the benefit of the entire aviation community.
Safety research activities at EUROCONTROL
Safety planning
Our strategic safety planning activities contribute to shaping the future Single European Sky by bringing safety into the design of future ATM concepts.
SafeSky: strategic safety planning at EUROCONTROL
Safety management
The purpose of safety management is to oversee that safety rules for all products and services are applied and then monitored. This means that everyone involved in air navigation, from the air traffic controller to the Minister of Transport, has a role to play in air traffic management safety.
Safety management systems in European air traffic management
A Just Culture: supporting an open reporting culture in air traffic management
Safety operations
Our European ATM performance enhancement programme seeks to continuously improve safety by addressing the complexity of current operations and strengthening the defences against the risk of aircraft accidents.
European Air Traffic Management Enhancement Programme
Air traffic management safety enhancement tools
Safety regulation
Our experts support the independent Safety Regulation Commission which provides advice on safety matters in Europe to EUROCONTROL governing bodies and contributes to the harmonisation of ATM safety regulation across Europe.
Safety Regulation Commission website
The Single European Sky
As the European organisation for the safety of air navigation, EUROCONTROL is actively involved in the Single European Sky initiative to provide a uniform and high level of safety over Europe’s skies, while at the same time accommodating growing air traffic demands.
EUROCONTROL contributes to both the regulatory and the technological dimensions of the Single European Sky.
The Single European Sky (SES) is an ambitious initiative, launched by the European Commission in 1999, to reform the architecture of European air traffic management (ATM). It puts forward a legislative approach to meet future capacity and safety needs at a European rather than at local level.
Key objectives of this initiative are:
1. to restructure European airspace as a function of air traffic flows;
2. to create additional capacity; and
3. to increase the overall efficiency of the European air traffic management system.
Optimising Air Traffic Management Efficiency
The European air traffic management system is so complex and sophisticated that the slightest efficiency improvement saves millions of euros.
The demand in air traffic is growing so fast that a more efficient management and use of airspace significantly increases its capacity to accommodate more flights.
Now you understand why efficiency is at the top of our agenda.
Reducing costs to improve our overall air traffic management performance
Why are air navigation services not efficient enough? There are two main reasons:
Fragmentation: Unlike U.S. air traffic management, European air traffic management is not an entity. It is still a long way from its declared, fully integrated destination which is the Singe European Sky.
Complexity: The Air Traffic Management (ATM) system is a highly complex system which requires significant human and technological investments.
As a consequence the whole system is less efficient than it could be, thus negatively impacting on the overall European ATM performance and cost-efficiency.
EUROCONTROL strives to bring the ATM system efficiency close to its optimum level, with potential savings for airspace users evaluated by some at € 3.4 billion per year.
Setting ambitious targets for cost-effective air navigation services
"You can only improve what you can measure". The independent Performance Review Commission was created in 1998 to develop a Europe-based yearly performance measurement system and to report on ATM system performance.
Performance Review Commission website
The Performance Review Commission identified three areas in which structural improvements could significantly boost efficiency, and which have already shown positive results since 2003:
Cost effectiveness: measured using the real en-route unit cost per km, in other words, the cost of a flight while in the air.
Flight efficiency: measured by calculating the difference between the optimal route and the real route flown by a plane.
Delays: measured using the number of minutes delay per flight caused by air traffic management flow.
Having a higher authority to measure performance and advise decision-makers however is not sufficient.
A pan-European programme is also necessary to help States and air navigation service providers focus their efforts on the same areas in order to reach commonly agreed objectives. This will ultimately lead to optimal performance levels of all air traffic management actors.
This programme exists: EUROCONTROL’s Performance Enhancement Programme for European Air Traffic Management in Europe.
European Air Traffic Management Programme (EATM)
Fostering stakeholder interaction
By improving interaction between airlines, civil and military users, airports and ATM operations, the system could become event more efficient.
The following two examples illustrate how well-designed concepts can contribute to overall network efficiency:
Airport Collaborative Decision Making EUROCONTROL’s Airport Collaborative Decision Making Programme makes airport operations more efficient, by providing better predictability of airport operations and reducing airplane taxi times.
Flexible Use of Airspace The application of the "Flexible Use of Airspace" concept is a major enabler of flight-efficiency in Europe, by promoting a more efficient allocation of airspace between civil and military users.
Regional Air Traffic Control Services in Europe
Air traffic control at the Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre
EUROCONTROL was created originally to provide air traffic control services in Europe’s upper airspace (above 24,500 feet or 7.5 km).
This objective could not be fulfilled because of a shift in political context. But the EUROCONTROL Agency set the first cornerstone of a single sky for Europe with the establishment of an international air traffic control centre in 1972. For the first time ever in Europe, air traffic in one country was controlled by a jointly managed facility located in another country.
With over 30 years experience in the operation of an international air traffic control centre, EUROCONTROL is at the forefront of European air navigation improvements.
Air traffic control in Europe
Watch our fourth 'Fly' programme on air traffic control in Europe
Air traffic control at its best
EUROCONTROL’s international air traffic control centre is known as the Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre. It provides uniform air navigation services in the upper airspace of Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and north-west Germany. It relies on a team of 600 highly qualified professionals, almost half of which are air traffic controllers.
Through its focus on innovation, productivity and customer satisfaction, the Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre is leading the way in air traffic control services across Europe.
Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre (MUAC)
Become an air traffic controller
Taking a European approach to air traffic control
A similar initiative to that of the Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre is in the pipeline for the Central European region.
In 2006 four States – Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary and Slovakia – agreed to develop a Central European Upper Area Control Centre. The agreement they signed is known as the Central European Air Traffic Services (CEATS) Agreement.
Central European Air Traffic Services Agreement (CEATS)
Air Navigation Charges
Quick links
HTML Click here for detailed information on Air Navigation Charges
Route Charges
The Central Route Charges Office (CRCO) bills and collects en-route charges on behalf of EUROCONTROL Member States:
These route charges remunerate the costs incurred by the EUROCONTROL Member States for providing en-route services to the users of their airspace.
EUROCONTROL bills and collects route charges by virtue of a common policy that builds on the provisions of the Multilateral Agreement relating to Route Charges. This common policy, as well as the operation of a common route charges system by EUROCONTROL (CRCO), efficiently contribute to the funding of a coherent and coordinated air traffic management system in Europe.
A Common Route Charges System
EUROCONTROL's Member States made two fundamental choices concerning the funding of air traffic management services in Europe:
They decided that the costs of providing route services should be borne by the users of their airspace (airlines, aircraft operators) and eventually by the customers of these users. In other parts of the world tax payers may still bear these costs;
They also decided to adopt a common policy in respect of route charges and they accordingly agreed to create a joint system for the establishment and the collection of these charges.
The System is organised on a cooperative basis to ensure that all Member States have an equal say and can pool their ideas and know-how. It is therefore managed in a spirit of harmonisation. It also takes due regard of International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) recommendations, in particular that any charging system should be regional in nature and that the administrative cost of collecting route charges should not exceed a reasonable proportion of the income from such charges.
The Route Charges System is an example of effective co-operation at European level that Member States desire to continue and strengthen.
Operation of the Common Route Charges System
The EUROCONTROL Route Charges System is a harmonised regional system whereby route charges: (a) are established according to a common formula which takes account of the costs incurred by Member States in respect of air traffic facilities and services and (b) are collected by EUROCONTROL as a single charge per flight.
The CRCO operates EUROCONTROL's Route Charges System. It issues one bill per flight or series of flights, irrespective of the number of Member States overflown. The bill is settled by a single payment, in one currency - the euro, to one body - EUROCONTROL's CRCO.
Terminal Charges
The CRCO provides Member States with billing and collection services for terminal charges as a logical extension of route charges.
Bilateral Air Navigation Charges
The CRCO also provides billing and collection services for air navigation charges (en-route and terminal services) on a bilateral basis to non-Member States.
Do you want to obtain more information on charges billed and collected by EUROCONTROL (CRCO)?
HTML Please go to the CRCO web site
Quick links
HTML Click here for detailed information on EUROCONTROL Institute of Air Navigation Services
HTML Click here for detailed information on EUROCONTROL Central Flow Management Unit courses
HTML Click here to access EUROCONTROL's E-learning portal
Setting the scene
Quality education and knowledge sharing are fundamental prerequisites in the development and implementation of a uniform and high-performance Air Traffic Management (ATM) system in Europe.
The Institute of Air Navigation Services is in charge of providing high level and up-to-date training for the benefit of the EUROCONTROL Agency and its Member States.
Training related to the operations of the Central Flow Management Unit (CFMU) is mainly provided by the CFMU within the framework of an E-learning strategy. The CFMU has based the training of its customers on distance learning through virtual classrooms as well as self paced training packages put on the Internet.
E-learning services
Both the Institute of Air Navigation Services (IANS) and the Central Flow Management Unit (CFMU) deliver online training through EUROCONTROL’s Learning Management System (LMS).
If you already have a username to access the LMS, click on the link below for immediate access.
Note : If you do not have a username yet, please follow the links to CFMU or IANS, as provided on this page, depending on your area of interest.
Training at the Institute of Air Navigation Services
As part of an international organisation, EUROCONTROL, the Institute has access to the knowledge and tools to embrace the ATM training issues at European level.
The common goal for all stakeholders is to grant that ATM related training needs in the 41 ECAC States are met in accordance with objectives. The exchange of knowledge has to be planned to guarantee the implementation of the EUROCONTROL's performance enhancement programme for European ATM.
Any staff category coming from the air navigation sector, public or private, civil or military, is concerned, either operational, administrative or managerial.
The EUROCONTROL Institute of Air Navigation Services has not been assigned the role of fulfilling all training needs but rather disseminates all relevant knowledge to those organisations that need it.
Emphasis is put on the training of trainers in order to cascade the effort, leading rapidly to high availability of trainers and training material.
As ATM staff are key contributors to the achievement of the high safety level of air navigation in Europe, the EUROCONTROL Institute ensures that staff involved in air traffic management and control in the ECAC States:
show a high awareness level of safety requirements;
are equally familiar with the common strategies;
have the same understanding of common concepts;
use the same terminology.
The Last Barrier ?
We do understand that airports work in a highly competitive environment. Our knowledge of air traffic management is available to any airport operator who wants to increase capacity on the ground by incorporating the gate-to-gate operational concept in their development strategy. Our neutrality is no obstacle to active cooperation with the most progressive airport operators.
Gate-to-gate air traffic management exemplifies the interdependence of all stakeholders in air navigation. This concept promises increased capacity, safety and environmental benefits. It requires full cooperation between air navigation service providers, airports and airlines.
The time when each stakeholder was doing its own efficient best without involving other stakeholders is rapidly coming to an end. The future belongs to a fully integrated network.
Of course, cooperation between airports, airlines and air navigation service providers is nothing new. It is as old as the industry itself. What is new is the very high degree of integration that is increasingly being required to optimise the use of two very limited resources: space on the ground and time. Air and ground based operators have a common interest in a higher throughput of the system.
Airport capacity is indeed becoming the limiting factor in overall system performance.
As en-route capacity increasingly matches demand, airport constraints become more dominant. The number of slot-controlled airports has grown constantly over the last 10 years.
At EUROCONTROL, we are aware that you – the airports – have a much broader role to play in air traffic management. We realise that until recently, airports’ input into air traffic management had not been fully integrated into the overall planning and organisation of air traffic management.
EUROCONTROL undertakes general studies that aim at improving the interface between the airport and air navigation systems. At the request of national civil and military authorities, EUROCONTROL could also undertake specific studies for a particular airport. In this context, we are keen to build closer relations with you.
With thousands of pages, EUROCONTROL's website is so large that it can present quite a challenge, particularly to the first time visitor. To make it easier for you, we have selected the links below to take you directly to some of the pages we think might be of interest to you. From these pages, you can always navigate further.
HTML Airport Operations Programme
HTML ATM Strategy
HTML Statistics & Forecasts
HTML Security
HTML Capacity
HTML Delay
HTML Environment
HTML Air Navigation Charges
Your personal contact
We hope that we have answered your initial questions. If not, do not hesitate to send a query to the contact person below : click on the e-mail to open an electronic message.
Mr Paul Wilson
Securing the Skies
The growing threat to the aviation industry from terrorist acts means that the security of passengers, airplanes and even air traffic management facilities is assuming greater importance.
Air traffic management plays a critical part in ensuring that civil aviation can continue to operate normally thanks to adequate protection.
While continuing to enhance airport and airplane security, aviation partners are now focusing on airspace and air traffic management security, both areas in which EUROCONTROL plays a pivotal role on the European scene.
A facilitating role in European aviation security matters
As a civil-military organisation and thanks to its extensive connections in the aviation community, EUROCONTROL plays a facilitating role in improving security in air navigation across Europe, together with NATO, air navigation service providers and other stakeholders.
Air traffic management security in Europe
Civil-military coordination on airspace security
EUROCONTROL and its partners work on two complementary areas of aviation security:
Air Traffic Management (ATM) security is concerned with securing the ATM assets and services, to prevent threats and limit their effects on the overall aviation network.
Airspace security on the other hand seeks to safeguard the airspace from unauthorised use, intrusion, illegal activities or any other violation.
Concrete steps to improve airspace and air traffic management security
EUROCONTROL’s joint efforts to improve airspace and Air Traffic Management (ATM) security are being deployed in three complementary directions:
Improving coordination and communication:
EUROCONTROL has set up improved coordination mechanisms between all stakeholders. The NATO/EUROCONTROL ATM Security Co-ordination Group (NEASCOG) and the EUROCONTROL ATM Security Team (SET) are the only forums in Europe dealing with airspace and ATM security respectively.
Educating and preventing:
Together with its stakeholders EUROCONTROL shares best practices on implementing security measures, develops new concepts and analysis methods, and organises workshops on airspace and ATM security. EUROCONTROL also ensures that security is built into the design of the future European air traffic management system.
Defining roles and responsibilities:
Understandings have been reached on the roles of each of the main organisations in Europe concerned with airspace and ATM security: EUROCONTROL, NATO, the European Commission and the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC). Not only do they address operational aspects, but they also deal with related policy and regulation. The goal is to improve effectiveness and avoid duplication.
Society and Economics
Quick links
Acrobat Social Responsibility Policy
HTML Click here for detailed information on Agency Society & Economics activities
Setting the scene
In 2004, European air transport carried more than 307 million passengers and 35 billion tons/km of freight and contributed approximately EUR 500 billion, in different ways, to the total European GDP. Air transport makes positive daily contributions to the European way of life, thanks to which we can eat fresh fruit and vegetables all year round, we can travel to far away places, and society is opened up to new businesses. Air transport is also a big employer in Europe, directly or indirectly accounting for roughly 3 million staff.
A key component of the air transport infrastructure is air traffic management (ATM). European ATM activities currently amount to EUR 6.8 billion and directly employ some 50,000 people. In 2004, the air traffic control (ATC) part of ATM controlled almost 9 million flights.
We need to better understand how ATM affects the society and economy we live in. In order to improve the ATM community’s capacity for dialogue and change, we also need to understand how ATM affects the air transport value chain. This is particularly important in the light of the Single European Sky.
EUROCONTROL carries out research into the economic and environmental impact of ATM at the macro-economic level and also assesses the economic impact of specific proposals and programmes at a more detailed level. This work is organised into three main streams of activity:
Research into Society and ATM
Research carried out by the EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre seeks to explore the relationships between the demands of society and the aviation industry such that the industry can meet those conflicting demands in a sustainable manner.
Research into the Economics of ATM
EUROCONTROL carries out research into the economic and environmental impact on society of the air transport industry, addressing the public perceptions and expectations of the air transport industry and evaluating the forces driving the evolution of transport demand.
Cost Benefit Analysis
EUROCONTROL carries out cost benefit studies for all of its programmes in order to evaluate their impact on all parties in the air transport industry, aid decision making and to ensure that the programmes represent a sound economic investment for the industry as a whole.
Related links
HTML Click here for information on Society and ATM
HTML Click here for information on Economics and ATM
HTML Click here for information on Cost Benefit Analysis
Increasing Airspace Capacity
European skies welcome over 26,000 flights every day, with peaks up to 33,000 flights on busiest days, thanks to an efficient and safe air traffic management system.
Capacity growth over the years
The capability to meet growing air traffic demands in Europe has improved over recent years thanks to the coordinated efforts of EUROCONTROL, air navigation service providers, and aircraft operators.
Air traffic over Europe is growing at an average rate of 5% every year, and the number of flights over Europe may double in the next 20 years.
At the same time delays caused by Air Traffic Management (ATM) flow have diminished and are close to the optimum established at 1 minute per flight during Summer time.
The challenge faced by the European aviation sector is the following: how to gain additional capacity in a limited airspace while maintaining the highest degree of safety, efficiency, and security?
EUROCONTROL's capacity enhancement function
Watch our second 'Fly' programme on airports and air traffic growth
Watch our fifth 'Fly' programme on civil-military coordination in European aviation
Gaining capacity through a cooperative network approach
To tackle this capacity challenge, EUROCONTROL has planned a two-phased approach.
In the short term: a project called Dynamic Management of the European Airspace Network (DMEAN). Its objective is to increase European ATM network capacity by 10% over the period 2006-2010 in addition to national capacity gains.
Dynamic Management of the European Airspace Network (DMEAN)
EUROCONTROL also counts on its Central Flow Management Unit based in Brussels to make the best possible use of available airspace capacity in Europe. The Central Flow Management Unit achieves this by providing several unique pan-European services which include:
Air traffic flow and capacity management
Flight planning
Data provision and reporting
In the long term: a programme known as the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR). In order to accommodate future air traffic needs, we must rethink the European ATM system. This air traffic management system of the future will be supported by state-of-the-art and innovative technologies.
Single European Sky Air Traffic Management Research Programme (SESAR)
The ripple effect of capacity initiatives
EUROCONTROL works in many other fields to achieve sustainable capacity gains, such as:
Improving ATM communications and surveillance
Ensuring optimal airport operations
Developing civil-military coordination and a more flexible use of airspace
Traffic and Delay
Quick links
HTML Click here for detailed information on eCODA
HTML Click here for detailed information on STATFOR
HTML Click here for detailed information on Central Flow Management Unit
HTML Click here for detailed information on Air Navigation Charges
Air Transport Delays
Delays arise from a large number of different causes.
The purpose of the Central Office for Delay Analysis (CODA) within EUROCONTROL is to provide policy makers and managers of the ECAC Air Transport System with timely, consistent and comprehensive information on the air traffic delay situation in Europe, and to make these available to anyone with an interest in delay performance.
The CODA produces regular and ad-hoc Air Transport delay reports, which are available on the eCODA website. Certain reports are also available in hard copy.
Enhanced CODA
In order to achieve this purpose in the most timely and comprehensive manner, an enhanced CODA product (eCODA) has been developed. eCODA aims to provide information on all delay causes, one week after of the end of each calendar month. This is facilitated by the excellent co-operation of aircraft operators who supply eCODA with the necessary data; together with Air Traffic Flow Management data from the EUROCONTROL Central Flow Management Unit, they enable the reports to be produced.
The eCODA system has technical facilities for data providers and other specialist users. These facilities are not available for public access due to the proprietary information contained therein, and are therefore password protected. Password owners may use the sign-in facility on the eCODA home page.
Air Traffic Statistics and Forecasts
Statistics and forecasts are essential to the EUROCONTROL Agency; they allow it to monitor the current state of air traffic management and to anticipate and plan future development needs. The Agency currently publishes statistics on capacity and delay and statistics and forecasts on traffic (described here).
The Agency's main, public air traffic statistics and forecast products cover more than 40 European States and regions. They are:
monthly statistics, e.g. daily counts of domestic flights in Denmark;
an annual forecast that looks 8 years ahead and, in less detail, 20 years ahead, e.g. giving the expected number of overflights of Poland in 2008.
Statistics are analysed to support forecasting and market analysis. Some of these analyses are published, e.g. on the growth of "low-cost" carriers.
EUROCONTROL's central role in flow management and in collecting air navigation charges on behalf of States give the Agency privileged access to flight-by-flight traffic statistics. When combined with data provided directly by States, these sources give EUROCONTROL data on traffic across much of Europe. Other national and international organisations collect air traffic statistics, especially on movements at airports; EUROCONTROL complements these views with its gate-to-gate, air traffic management perspective, that is, putting the data on departures and arrivals together with their routing in between.
The flights covered by these statistics and forecasts are usually those which took place under 'Instrument Flight Rules', because these are the flights which use an air traffic control service. Typically, these include all commercial scheduled and charter flights, business jets and taxi flights, and some state or military flights. They usually do not include light aircraft used for training, leisure flying, surveying and other purposes.
If you need further explanation of the traffic statistics and forecasts that are discussed here, then contact the Agency's Statistics and Forecasts Service, STATFOR. The information in the published statistics and forecasts may be reproduced, with appropriate acknowledgement, free of charge, but the use you put it to is under your own responsibility. STATFOR has very limited resources, so in general can not provide more than is published here. The exception is cases, such as for European Commission research contracts, where the work is clearly in the general interests of the air traffic community.
Related links
HTML Click here for detailed information on eCODA
HTML Click here for detailed information on CODA
HTML Click here to access the STATFOR web site.
HTML Click here to access more information on flow management.
HTML Click here to access more information on collecting air navigation charges.
Reducing the Environmental Impact of Aviation
2% of the world's CO2 emissions: this is aviation’s estimated impact on the environment according to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Aviation is faced with conflicting and growing demands: for more mobility on one side, and not just at the European level; and for less environmental impact on the other side.
Besides, aviation is a consumer of non-renewable resources. While we wait for the next revolution in engine technology, we have to act.
What is air traffic management doing to help air transport achieve sustainability?
At EUROCONTROL we have been aware of the importance of mitigating the environmental impact of air traffic for many years. The revised EUROCONTROL Convention signed by our Member States in 1997 mentions in its first article that we should “take into account the need to minimise […] any adverse environmental impact”.
EUROCONTROL environmental activities
Watch our third 'Fly' programme on aviation and its environmental impact
EUROCONTROL adopted its Environmental Policy and Strategy in 2001. It guarantees that all our projects and programmes undertaken an environmental impact assessment in line with European and international best practices.
Acrobat EUROCONTROL Environmental Policy and Strategy
Environmental measures in air traffic management have already reduced CO2 emissions by 2 million tons per year (equivalent to 1% of the total aviation’s emissions in Europe).
This is the result of the very first steps taken by EUROCONTROL:
More direct flights. Experts have estimated that as many as 4.7 million tons of CO2 are released unnecessarily into the atmosphere each year because of extra mileage.
Making it possible for more airplanes to fly at an altitude where jet engine performance is optimal. This improved vertical distribution of air traffic reduces CO2 emissions by almost 1 million tons a year.
Trials have proven that adopting a steady trajectory during descent before landing greatly reduces aircraft emissions, fuel consumption, and noise impact. This has proven more efficient than a level-by-level descent.
Keeping airplanes on the ground with their engines switched off until a departure slot becomes available. This initiative has helped reduce CO2 emissions by 1 million tons in 2006.
More flexibility of civil and military users in their use of airspace through strengthened coordination.
Our contribution to a cleaner European sky
For long EUROCONTROL has been conscious of the need for setting precise objectives also in environment protection. We have therefore endorsed the target of a 10% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2013 proposed by the Single European Sky ATM Research programme.
But EUROCONTROL’s contribution is not only limited to finding innovative solutions to achieve this reduction target. We also stimulate environmental progress in air traffic management by spreading best practices among stakeholders and making sure they take their own part in this vital objective.
Related links
HTML All about aviation's impact on the environment
HTML Aviation Environment Federation
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Reliability Software and Safety Analysis Tools from
ITEM Software
Reliability and Risk Solutions Since 1984
ITEM Software is the acknowledged world leader in the supply of Reliability Software for engineering. If your business is involved with Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) evaluation, or Risk Assessment, then you need to contact us.
We are dedicated to providing our customers with the highest standard of products and after sales service. Our products are continuously being upgraded in response to user requirements and current software technology. Support is available from experienced engineers and software specialists.
We also provide training in the techniques employed in this area and the use of our products. Please feel free to browse through our website, register your details and download our latest software products for your evaluation.
ITEM's Range of Software Includes:
ITEM ToolKit
ITEM ToolKit is a suite of comprehensive predictive and analytical modules for analyzing the Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety of electrical/mechanical components and systems. ITEM ToolKit is an integrated platform offering scalable analysis, saving you time and resources.
These analysis tools can be purchased individually, in any combination, or as a complete package. For a full list of the available modules click here.
After your analysis is complete, ITEM ToolKit's integrated environment comes into its own with powerful conversion facilities for transferring data to other modules of the program. For example, transfer your Mil-217 project data to FMECA or your Telcordia project to RBD. These powerful facilities transfer as much of the available information as possible, saving you valuable time and effort. More...
iQRAS - Quantitative Risk Assessment System . Utilized by Aerospace, Defense, Health Care, and other industries, this patented scenario driven risk assessment software tool allows the analyst to conduct Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) and evaluate complex, time dependent sequences of events, quickly and easily.
Quantitative risk assessments are performed by utilizing graphical Event Sequence Diagrams and Fault Tree Analysis techniques. Scenarios are modeled using time phases and event inter-dependencies. Results are aggregated to identify unacceptable risks and their corresponding sequence of events. More...
Just revealed at RAMS 2008 in Las Vegas, the latest product from ITEM Software is an extraordinary collection of new capabilities. ITEM QT (iQT) provides a customizable, cross-platform, multi-user, and open frame-work reliability and risk project/analysis environment.
Built on proven and recognized analysis engines, iQT is a revolutionary approach to reliability software, safety, and risk analysis too
A New Dimension in Reliability, Safety and Risk Assessment
The latest release from ITEM Software is an extraordinary collection of new capabilities that provides a customizable, cross-platform, multi-user, open frame-work. Built on proven and recognized analysis engines, ITEM QT® (iQT®) is a revolutionary approach to reliability, safety, and risk analysis software tools. With iQT, you are no longer limited by the technology choices of software vendors or chained to infrastructure requirements of their products. Continue reading to learn more about the iQT design that provides a framework to suit all of your needs.
ITEM Software continues to build and deliver reliable, defensible, and innovative tools your industry requires. Over the years, we have heard from many users in a variety of industries - analysis tools need to be more open and extensible. In developing this new tool, ITEM Software has taken into consideration that not every company or situation has the same requirements and capabilities.
Initially, iQT supports the same modules as our flagship product, ITEM ToolKit:
* 5 Electronic and Mechanical Reliability Prediction Standards
* Fault Tree Analysis
* Event Tree Analysis
* Markov Chain Analysis
* Reliability Block Diagram
* Maintainability
* Spares Scaling and Ranging
Customizable and Efficient Interface
iQT delivers a customizable user interface whereby the user can develop any number of “perspectives”. These visual containers can hold a collection of views, editors, or modules available within the iQT framework. Along with any number of other perspectives, a perspective exists within the framework and, like a page within a book, is visible at any time.
Arranged for different kinds of reliability, safety and risk analyses, iQT is delivered with several pre-set perspectives. Furthermore, to support the needs of the individual user or the entire organization, new perspectives can be easily created and shared with other users of iQT. To help eliminate the need to reinstall the software for new releases, an update manager is provided. This allows users to update to the latest version through online updating within iQT.
Additionally, the iQT framework refrains from loading and creating models and services until it is first needed. The memory usage and startup time are dramatically reduced using this mechanism.
Configurable Prediction Approaches
A prediction module editor is provided within the iQT framework. An engineer can easily create or modify an existing company prediction approach. No coding is needed. This newly created approach is automatically recognized within iQT.
In order to leverage the features and functions each has to offer, the computing environment of today’s businesses use many different types of operating systems and platforms. It is very common to see a blending of MicrosoftTM, Unix/LinuxTM, and AppleTM technologies across the enterprise and within the supply-chain of any organization.
iQT delivers true cross-platform capabilities through its Java-based frame-work and analysis engines. Whether installed as a standalone or client-server configuration, iQT supports the analysis processing on either the local computer or the server. An analyst with a Macintosh in London can easily collaborate with an engineer in Texas using a Unix workstation, or a consultant in China with a Microsoft based PC.
True Multi-User Capability
The iQT framework provides the capabi-lity for multiple users to simultaneously, yet independently modify any model or analysis in any project they have access to. To track the change, a robust version control tool is provided within iQT.
Users can checkout and work independ-ently on their local copies of the “project”. Plus, individually commit their changes back to the central repository. The repository can be on remote servers, or kept locally, enabling the user to maintain their own version history.
While the project’s history is maintained within the central repository, changes from different users can be merged easily, without running the risk of one user accidentally overwriting changes made by others.
At any point, individual users can choose to commit their version of a model or project to a repository, which then captures the changes and records them into the project history. Multiple users can read and write to the repository as needed. Users can bring their local models up-to-date from the repository as they choose.
Parts of the model or project can also be locked in the repository before they can be edited. This way no two people can be working on the same file.
The use of the source control system, in combination with the system hierarchy within iQT, allows for a “library” function in which changes in the master library can be applied to models relying on those libraries. This allows users to update the library incorporated in a project in an automated fashion.
Other multi-user functions provided within iQT include:
* Easily revert to any previous version of a model
* Restrict the access to a particular model to one team or group of users
* Create different branches and variations of the same model for “what if” investigations
* Merge project work from multiple teams or repositories into a single project or repository
* Publish milestones for the project
Robust and Flexible Storage
The iQT storage format consists of sets of freely coupled XML files. The use of XML automatically results in an “open standard”, allowing users and other applications to make changes to the model outside of iQT. This flexibility opens the door for a wide range of application integration and ease of capturing data directly from the iQT project files. Of course, changes are tracked in the history of the repository. Individual modules are stored in the form of XML files. It is also possible to store external documentation, e.g. MS WordTM, PDF or CAD drawing files, in the same directory structure. These files are then considered part of the project.
Task Management
iQT can be configured to incorporate documentation, task management or other features that are available from third-party vendors. If a recognized change management program is in place at the company, iQT can be configured to interface with that program. This allows the company to take further advantage of the software tool investment they have already made.
Powerful, Proven and Configurable Quantification Engines
The iQT quantification engines have been developed, performance refined and used worldwide for many years. They are a solid foundation for accurate analysis results. Their implementation in iQT may reside locally on the user’s computer, or exist as a service on a network server anywhere in the world. More than one analysis engine can be used to solve a particular part of a model. Furthermore, users can specify engine settings for a particular model.
There are no dependencies between the engines. The various engines do not know of each other’s existence, or are even aware of the other model types. It is possible that more than one analysis engine is available to perform the analysis of a given module. Users can even add their own engines easily for any particular type of module.
Named Parameters
Named parameters can be used to efficiently make changes to multiple input parameters in a model. Named parameters can be used to quantify or otherwise assign values to input parameters in the model.
Open and Extensible
Focused on reliability, safety, and risk assessment, our iQT product is a highly extensible framework that provides common infrastructure for any kind of system modeling.
The capable nature of iQT is achieved by an existing Java platform foundation that is widely supported in your business environment. By following the predefined interface, your team has the ability to create plug-ins that extend the capabilities of iQT. The following are examples of possible iQT extensions:
* New editors or viewers for a given model (file) type
* New quantification model types
* New result types
* New analysis engines
The well-established core services of this platform provide the essential functionality to model and analyze reliability, risk and safety projects. Regardless of the configuration of a particular installation, the core services are available in the framework.
All extensions are highly modular. By allowing capabilities to be added to or removed from the software without affecting other extensions, new functionality, perhaps a new prediction standard, can be added without requiring reconfiguration or redesign of the source code.
iQT is a fully functional open environment, supporting the addition of third-party plug-ins such as:
* Version management plug-ins
* Project management plug-ins
* Third-party computational environment tools (e.g. MATLAB)
* Third-party modeling tools (e.g. data analysis)
* Documentation tools (e.g. PDF viewers)
* Search tools
Yes, iQT is unique. It is based upon ITEM Software’s many years of experience in the reliability, safety, and risk assessment industry. Not only will you continue to get accurate and complete results, but now you, and your team, can benefit from a more comprehensive solution for today’s modern work environment.
So, are you open to change?
Download Demonstration
To download a free demonstration of our ITEM QT software click here.
Technical Support
Have questions or need a product update?
The mission of the ITEM Technical Services Group is to be an extension of your engineering team. Not only are we available to assist you with using our software, but we can also help you through the reliability, safety and risk modelling processes, start to finish. Whether via telephone, email, instant messenger or webinars, our staff of experienced and interested engineers will go the extra mile to ensure you get the answers you need. With offices in the USA and UK, we easily cover your worldwide support needs.
A database of product questions and answers is available in our Knowledgebase section in the Customer Area. This area also allows existing maintained customers to download the latest versions of our software, and additional documentation.
Maintained customers can log in here:
User Name : Password :
Customers In North & South America:
* To talk to a technical support representative call:
(714) 935 2900 Option 2 or
(714) 866 ITEM (4836) toll free
(Mon - Fri 8:00am to 4:30pm PST)
* Fax us your questions or inquiries to: (714) 935 2911
* Email your technical support inquiries to
* Fill out and submit the online technical support form on the right.
Customers In U.K. & Rest of World:
* To talk to a technical support representative call:
+44 (0) 1489 885 085
(Mon - Fri 8:30am to 5:00pm GMT)
* Fax us your questions or inquiries to: +44 (0) 1489 885 065
* Email your technical support inquiries to
* Fill out and submit the online technical support form on the right.
Reliability and Risk Training
You have the best Reliability and Risk software available on the market, now come and learn the methodologies from experts in the field. Our instructors have many years of reliability, risk, and safety engineering experience in a variety of industries, government, and academia. You will learn the foundations of the techniques, and benefit from real-world examples and experiences.
Our location... your office... via the Internet... you choose!
The one-on-one or small group approach we take purposely maintains focus on you. The combination of lecture, hands-on time, and relevent discussions, enable you to gain far more knowledge and ability than from a large generic class. Our classes with hands-on periods are designed to hone your skills with our tools, all the while remaining focused on your needs. Any class can be further customized to suit your specific situation.
We offer these classes primarily at our Anaheim, California, USA and Fareham, Hampshire, UK offices. However, they are also being delivered worldwide at customer locations upon request. We also offer these classes via web sessions on a per-hourly basis. Please contact us directly to discuss you specific goals and needs.
To book, or for further information, please complete the form below:
Information Form
Please indicate which course/s you would like to attend :
ITEM ToolKit Workshop
Advanced Reliability Topics
Safety Modeling
Reliability Modeling
Risk Assessment
Scheduled Dates: 2009
Please register your information below:
(* Required Field)
Title / Mr / Mrs / etc *
Surname *
Job Title
Street Address
City / Town
County / State / Province
Postal Code / Zip Code
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Reliability Consulting
* Starting a new reliability, safety, or risk assessment project?
* Trying to complete an existing one?
* In need of validating your analysis results with an outside view?
* Not sure where to start with your process, system, or components?
Count on ITEM Software when you need extra help. For years ITEM has provided more than just RAMS and Risk Assessment software tools to companies. Our engineers can provide reliability consulting services to assist you in conducting your analyses. Our experienced, worldwide staff is able to help you with any size project or analysis, across nearly any industry. We can work with you on RAMS and Risk analysis projects from beginning to end, under strict confidentially.
Our approach to reliability consulting is to deliver the most complete and accurate results and analysis, including your team as much as you wish in the process. Many of our clients have asked that we train their team as we go, making them self-sufficient by the end of the project. We gladly deliver, discuss, and defend all results, project files, and knowledge gained during and after the project.
We want your experience with our reliability consulting group to be unmatched in the industry. From the very first contact, you will discover that we have your interests at the forefront of our proposals and methodologies. Many clients have taken advantage of our expertise when conducting RAMS and Risk Assessment, saving time, money and other valuable resources.
Trying to decide which design is safest? Should you invest in space capsule design A or B? ITEM has provided risk and safety analyses to companies in the growing commercial space market. Utilizing Quantitative Risk Assessment, scenarios were built to analyze the safety and risk of the spacecraft.
ITEM Software continues to perform electronic and electro-mechanical reliability analyses for companies large and small. Whether it is only a few components, or your entire database, ITEM has the experience and tools to calculate the MTBF and failure rate of many components and devices. Let us do your "what if" analysis and show you the best approach in components, subsystems or systems selection.
Need to take your manufacturing reliability and processes to the next level? ITEM has helped companies refine and control their internal manufacturing processes. Your clients demand results of analyses that you might not be familiar with. ITEM has that experience, and are willing to help you learn the steps needed for a successful analysis and implementation of methodologies such as process and design FMEA, reliability and maintainability programs.
ITEM has been contracted to assist and conduct reliability and safety assessment on medical devices such as laser scanners and medicine dispensing automation, in preparation for FDA approval. Using Reliability Prediction, FMECA (ISO 9000 and ISO 14971), Fault Tree, and other methods, ITEM has been instrumental in making these devices safer and more reliable.
ITEM Software has been instrumental in many military projects. Assisting clients with basic to complex electronics and mechanical reliability prediction, availability and maintainability of on board communication systems and most recently, multiple weapon safety analyses for the United States Navy and Quantitative Risk Assessment for the Air Force.
Are you designing or rolling out new technology? Need to know system availability, reliability, or state analysis? Our reliability consulting service has helped several emerging and established companies to perform a variety of analyses, and train their staff on how to perform these analyses on their own.
Comprehensive Technical Support and Software Upgrades are available to all our customers who have a Maintenance contract with us.
For an annual fee, users have unlimited access to our dedicated Technical Support team via telephone, fax and email. We also provide web based tutorials to get you up and running with the software as soon as possible.
Technical Support
The mission of the ITEM Technical Services Group is to be an extension of your engineering team. Not only are we available to assist you with using our software, but we can also help you through the reliability, safety and risk modeling processes, start to finish. Whether via telephone, email, instant messenger or webinars, our staff of experienced and interested engineers will go the extra mile to ensure you get the answers you need. With offices in the USA and UK, we easily cover your worldwide support needs.
Periodically we upgrade our software products, adding improvements and new features on a regular basis. Maintained customers are able to download these updates from our website, or request them to be sent on CD, when available.
Our continued development enables our customers to keep up to date with the latest technological advancements. This is something that, in our increasingly competitive times, is becoming of greater importance and a commercial necessity.
Enhance Your User Experience Now
If you are an existing ITEM software user and would like to take out an annual maintenance contract for your current products, giving you access to the very latest editions of the programs and outstanding support, then please give our sales team a call or drop them line on at the contact details below:
US Office : | Tel : +1 714 935 2900
UK Office : | Tel : +44 (0) 1489 885085
Contact Us
For all inquiries, please contact us directly at the location closest to you. We can also direct you to one of our world-wide partners. We are very diligent with our emails, so if you do not hear back from us quickly, something outside of our control has happened. Please try again, or just give us a call.
Alternatively you can contact us by completing the registration form on the right.
North & South America:
ITEM Software (USA Office)
2190 Towne Center Place
Suite 314
CA 92806
Location Map
Telephone: +1 714 935 2900
+1 866 761 4836 (toll free)
Facsimile: +1 714 935 2911
UK & Rest of World:
ITEM Software (UK Office)
4 Belfry House
4400 Parkway
PO15 7FJ
Location Map
Telephone: +44 (0)1489-885085
Facsimile: +44 (0)1489-885065
ITEM Software
World Leading Developers of Reliability, Safety Analysis
and Risk Assessment Software
ITEM Software is the acknowledged world leader in the supply of Reliability Engineering Software. If your business is involved with Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) evaluation, or Risk Assessment, you need to contact ITEM Software.
Company History
In 1984 a contract was awarded from the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) to develop a software program to record and manage a library of electronic components and equipment. In January 1985, the software program "MilLib" was delivered satisfactorily to the MOD and further contracts were awarded. These included a major contract to develop a software program to predict the reliability of electronic components based on the military handbook MIL-HDBK-217, published by the US Department of Defense (DOD). The software program "MilStress" was released in 1986 with huge success and was thereafter available "off the shelf" to any company that required to perform a reliability analysis based on the MIL-HDBK-217 standard. MilStress is still in use worldwide across a number of industries, due in part to its accuracy, reliability and ease of use.
The MilStress program has since gone through many phases and in its current form, ITEM ToolKit's MIL-HDBK-217 module , is still recognised as the best available on the market.
Since the success of MilStress, ITEM Software has come a long way in providing the RAMS engineers of today with powerful "state-of-the-art" Reliability and Safety Analysis Software Tools. We currently have over 7,500 licensed installations in 37 countries worldwide, including a number of Premier Companies and major organizations in industries such as Defence, Telecommunications, Aerospace, Nuclear, Petroleum, Medical, Electronics, Insurance etc. We continue to maintain our status as the "World Leaders in Reliability and Safety Analysis Software" by providing the latest in software technology fused with over 20 years of experience in reliability and safety engineering, together with the excellent after sales service and support to which our customers have become accustomed.
We are dedicated to providing our customers with the highest standard of products and after sales service. Our products are continuously being upgraded in response to user requirements and current software technology. Support is available from experienced engineers and software specialists. We also provide training in the techniques employed in this area and the use of our software products.
Please feel free to browse through our website, register your details and download our latest software products for your evaluation.
ITEM Software produces reliability analysis tools which are applicable to a wide range of industries. ITEM ToolKit's Fault Tree, Markov, and FMEA modules can be used to model software reliability, physical security, as well as human interaction with systems. Our Event Tree module can be used to perform Decision Tree Analysis, as well as Safety Assessment of any system. Our reliability prediction analysis modules are up-to-date yet flexible enough to suit your evolving needs. Still have questions? Give us a call, or email us.
Thank you for visiting our website at this time. We look forward to being of service to you or your company in the near future.
ITEM Software
World Leading Developers of Reliability, Safety Analysis
and Risk Assessment Software
ITEM Software is the acknowledged world leader in the supply of Reliability Engineering Software. If your business is involved with Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) evaluation, or Risk Assessment, you need to contact ITEM Software.
Company History
In 1984 a contract was awarded from the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) to develop a software program to record and manage a library of electronic components and equipment. In January 1985, the software program "MilLib" was delivered satisfactorily to the MOD and further contracts were awarded. These included a major contract to develop a software program to predict the reliability of electronic components based on the military handbook MIL-HDBK-217, published by the US Department of Defense (DOD). The software program "MilStress" was released in 1986 with huge success and was thereafter available "off the shelf" to any company that required to perform a reliability analysis based on the MIL-HDBK-217 standard. MilStress is still in use worldwide across a number of industries, due in part to its accuracy, reliability and ease of use.
The MilStress program has since gone through many phases and in its current form, ITEM ToolKit's MIL-HDBK-217 module , is still recognised as the best available on the market.
Since the success of MilStress, ITEM Software has come a long way in providing the RAMS engineers of today with powerful "state-of-the-art" Reliability and Safety Analysis Software Tools. We currently have over 7,500 licensed installations in 37 countries worldwide, including a number of Premier Companies and major organizations in industries such as Defence, Telecommunications, Aerospace, Nuclear, Petroleum, Medical, Electronics, Insurance etc. We continue to maintain our status as the "World Leaders in Reliability and Safety Analysis Software" by providing the latest in software technology fused with over 20 years of experience in reliability and safety engineering, together with the excellent after sales service and support to which our customers have become accustomed.
We are dedicated to providing our customers with the highest standard of products and after sales service. Our products are continuously being upgraded in response to user requirements and current software technology. Support is available from experienced engineers and software specialists. We also provide training in the techniques employed in this area and the use of our software products.
Please feel free to browse through our website, register your details and download our latest software products for your evaluation.
ITEM Software produces reliability analysis tools which are applicable to a wide range of industries. ITEM ToolKit's Fault Tree, Markov, and FMEA modules can be used to model software reliability, physical security, as well as human interaction with systems. Our Event Tree module can be used to perform Decision Tree Analysis, as well as Safety Assessment of any system. Our reliability prediction analysis modules are up-to-date yet flexible enough to suit your evolving needs. Still have questions? Give us a call, or email us.
Thank you for visiting our website at this time. We look forward to being of service to you or your company in the near future.
ITEM Software
Reliability and Risk Solutions Since 1984
ITEM Software is the acknowledged world leader in the supply of Reliability Software for engineering. If your business is involved with Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) evaluation, or Risk Assessment, then you need to contact us.
We are dedicated to providing our customers with the highest standard of products and after sales service. Our products are continuously being upgraded in response to user requirements and current software technology. Support is available from experienced engineers and software specialists.
We also provide training in the techniques employed in this area and the use of our products. Please feel free to browse through our website, register your details and download our latest software products for your evaluation.
ITEM's Range of Software Includes:
ITEM ToolKit
ITEM ToolKit is a suite of comprehensive predictive and analytical modules for analyzing the Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety of electrical/mechanical components and systems. ITEM ToolKit is an integrated platform offering scalable analysis, saving you time and resources.
These analysis tools can be purchased individually, in any combination, or as a complete package. For a full list of the available modules click here.
After your analysis is complete, ITEM ToolKit's integrated environment comes into its own with powerful conversion facilities for transferring data to other modules of the program. For example, transfer your Mil-217 project data to FMECA or your Telcordia project to RBD. These powerful facilities transfer as much of the available information as possible, saving you valuable time and effort. More...
iQRAS - Quantitative Risk Assessment System . Utilized by Aerospace, Defense, Health Care, and other industries, this patented scenario driven risk assessment software tool allows the analyst to conduct Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) and evaluate complex, time dependent sequences of events, quickly and easily.
Quantitative risk assessments are performed by utilizing graphical Event Sequence Diagrams and Fault Tree Analysis techniques. Scenarios are modeled using time phases and event inter-dependencies. Results are aggregated to identify unacceptable risks and their corresponding sequence of events. More...
Just revealed at RAMS 2008 in Las Vegas, the latest product from ITEM Software is an extraordinary collection of new capabilities. ITEM QT (iQT) provides a customizable, cross-platform, multi-user, and open frame-work reliability and risk project/analysis environment.
Built on proven and recognized analysis engines, iQT is a revolutionary approach to reliability software, safety, and risk analysis too
A New Dimension in Reliability, Safety and Risk Assessment
The latest release from ITEM Software is an extraordinary collection of new capabilities that provides a customizable, cross-platform, multi-user, open frame-work. Built on proven and recognized analysis engines, ITEM QT® (iQT®) is a revolutionary approach to reliability, safety, and risk analysis software tools. With iQT, you are no longer limited by the technology choices of software vendors or chained to infrastructure requirements of their products. Continue reading to learn more about the iQT design that provides a framework to suit all of your needs.
ITEM Software continues to build and deliver reliable, defensible, and innovative tools your industry requires. Over the years, we have heard from many users in a variety of industries - analysis tools need to be more open and extensible. In developing this new tool, ITEM Software has taken into consideration that not every company or situation has the same requirements and capabilities.
Initially, iQT supports the same modules as our flagship product, ITEM ToolKit:
* 5 Electronic and Mechanical Reliability Prediction Standards
* Fault Tree Analysis
* Event Tree Analysis
* Markov Chain Analysis
* Reliability Block Diagram
* Maintainability
* Spares Scaling and Ranging
Customizable and Efficient Interface
iQT delivers a customizable user interface whereby the user can develop any number of “perspectives”. These visual containers can hold a collection of views, editors, or modules available within the iQT framework. Along with any number of other perspectives, a perspective exists within the framework and, like a page within a book, is visible at any time.
Arranged for different kinds of reliability, safety and risk analyses, iQT is delivered with several pre-set perspectives. Furthermore, to support the needs of the individual user or the entire organization, new perspectives can be easily created and shared with other users of iQT. To help eliminate the need to reinstall the software for new releases, an update manager is provided. This allows users to update to the latest version through online updating within iQT.
Additionally, the iQT framework refrains from loading and creating models and services until it is first needed. The memory usage and startup time are dramatically reduced using this mechanism.
Configurable Prediction Approaches
A prediction module editor is provided within the iQT framework. An engineer can easily create or modify an existing company prediction approach. No coding is needed. This newly created approach is automatically recognized within iQT.
In order to leverage the features and functions each has to offer, the computing environment of today’s businesses use many different types of operating systems and platforms. It is very common to see a blending of MicrosoftTM, Unix/LinuxTM, and AppleTM technologies across the enterprise and within the supply-chain of any organization.
iQT delivers true cross-platform capabilities through its Java-based frame-work and analysis engines. Whether installed as a standalone or client-server configuration, iQT supports the analysis processing on either the local computer or the server. An analyst with a Macintosh in London can easily collaborate with an engineer in Texas using a Unix workstation, or a consultant in China with a Microsoft based PC.
True Multi-User Capability
The iQT framework provides the capabi-lity for multiple users to simultaneously, yet independently modify any model or analysis in any project they have access to. To track the change, a robust version control tool is provided within iQT.
Users can checkout and work independ-ently on their local copies of the “project”. Plus, individually commit their changes back to the central repository. The repository can be on remote servers, or kept locally, enabling the user to maintain their own version history.
While the project’s history is maintained within the central repository, changes from different users can be merged easily, without running the risk of one user accidentally overwriting changes made by others.
At any point, individual users can choose to commit their version of a model or project to a repository, which then captures the changes and records them into the project history. Multiple users can read and write to the repository as needed. Users can bring their local models up-to-date from the repository as they choose.
Parts of the model or project can also be locked in the repository before they can be edited. This way no two people can be working on the same file.
The use of the source control system, in combination with the system hierarchy within iQT, allows for a “library” function in which changes in the master library can be applied to models relying on those libraries. This allows users to update the library incorporated in a project in an automated fashion.
Other multi-user functions provided within iQT include:
* Easily revert to any previous version of a model
* Restrict the access to a particular model to one team or group of users
* Create different branches and variations of the same model for “what if” investigations
* Merge project work from multiple teams or repositories into a single project or repository
* Publish milestones for the project
Robust and Flexible Storage
The iQT storage format consists of sets of freely coupled XML files. The use of XML automatically results in an “open standard”, allowing users and other applications to make changes to the model outside of iQT. This flexibility opens the door for a wide range of application integration and ease of capturing data directly from the iQT project files. Of course, changes are tracked in the history of the repository. Individual modules are stored in the form of XML files. It is also possible to store external documentation, e.g. MS WordTM, PDF or CAD drawing files, in the same directory structure. These files are then considered part of the project.
Task Management
iQT can be configured to incorporate documentation, task management or other features that are available from third-party vendors. If a recognized change management program is in place at the company, iQT can be configured to interface with that program. This allows the company to take further advantage of the software tool investment they have already made.
Powerful, Proven and Configurable Quantification Engines
The iQT quantification engines have been developed, performance refined and used worldwide for many years. They are a solid foundation for accurate analysis results. Their implementation in iQT may reside locally on the user’s computer, or exist as a service on a network server anywhere in the world. More than one analysis engine can be used to solve a particular part of a model. Furthermore, users can specify engine settings for a particular model.
There are no dependencies between the engines. The various engines do not know of each other’s existence, or are even aware of the other model types. It is possible that more than one analysis engine is available to perform the analysis of a given module. Users can even add their own engines easily for any particular type of module.
Named Parameters
Named parameters can be used to efficiently make changes to multiple input parameters in a model. Named parameters can be used to quantify or otherwise assign values to input parameters in the model.
Open and Extensible
Focused on reliability, safety, and risk assessment, our iQT product is a highly extensible framework that provides common infrastructure for any kind of system modeling.
The capable nature of iQT is achieved by an existing Java platform foundation that is widely supported in your business environment. By following the predefined interface, your team has the ability to create plug-ins that extend the capabilities of iQT. The following are examples of possible iQT extensions:
* New editors or viewers for a given model (file) type
* New quantification model types
* New result types
* New analysis engines
The well-established core services of this platform provide the essential functionality to model and analyze reliability, risk and safety projects. Regardless of the configuration of a particular installation, the core services are available in the framework.
All extensions are highly modular. By allowing capabilities to be added to or removed from the software without affecting other extensions, new functionality, perhaps a new prediction standard, can be added without requiring reconfiguration or redesign of the source code.
iQT is a fully functional open environment, supporting the addition of third-party plug-ins such as:
* Version management plug-ins
* Project management plug-ins
* Third-party computational environment tools (e.g. MATLAB)
* Third-party modeling tools (e.g. data analysis)
* Documentation tools (e.g. PDF viewers)
* Search tools
Yes, iQT is unique. It is based upon ITEM Software’s many years of experience in the reliability, safety, and risk assessment industry. Not only will you continue to get accurate and complete results, but now you, and your team, can benefit from a more comprehensive solution for today’s modern work environment.
So, are you open to change?
Download Demonstration
To download a free demonstration of our ITEM QT software click here.
Technical Support
Have questions or need a product update?
The mission of the ITEM Technical Services Group is to be an extension of your engineering team. Not only are we available to assist you with using our software, but we can also help you through the reliability, safety and risk modelling processes, start to finish. Whether via telephone, email, instant messenger or webinars, our staff of experienced and interested engineers will go the extra mile to ensure you get the answers you need. With offices in the USA and UK, we easily cover your worldwide support needs.
A database of product questions and answers is available in our Knowledgebase section in the Customer Area. This area also allows existing maintained customers to download the latest versions of our software, and additional documentation.
Maintained customers can log in here:
User Name : Password :
Customers In North & South America:
* To talk to a technical support representative call:
(714) 935 2900 Option 2 or
(714) 866 ITEM (4836) toll free
(Mon - Fri 8:00am to 4:30pm PST)
* Fax us your questions or inquiries to: (714) 935 2911
* Email your technical support inquiries to
* Fill out and submit the online technical support form on the right.
Customers In U.K. & Rest of World:
* To talk to a technical support representative call:
+44 (0) 1489 885 085
(Mon - Fri 8:30am to 5:00pm GMT)
* Fax us your questions or inquiries to: +44 (0) 1489 885 065
* Email your technical support inquiries to
* Fill out and submit the online technical support form on the right.
Reliability and Risk Training
You have the best Reliability and Risk software available on the market, now come and learn the methodologies from experts in the field. Our instructors have many years of reliability, risk, and safety engineering experience in a variety of industries, government, and academia. You will learn the foundations of the techniques, and benefit from real-world examples and experiences.
Our location... your office... via the Internet... you choose!
The one-on-one or small group approach we take purposely maintains focus on you. The combination of lecture, hands-on time, and relevent discussions, enable you to gain far more knowledge and ability than from a large generic class. Our classes with hands-on periods are designed to hone your skills with our tools, all the while remaining focused on your needs. Any class can be further customized to suit your specific situation.
We offer these classes primarily at our Anaheim, California, USA and Fareham, Hampshire, UK offices. However, they are also being delivered worldwide at customer locations upon request. We also offer these classes via web sessions on a per-hourly basis. Please contact us directly to discuss you specific goals and needs.
To book, or for further information, please complete the form below:
Information Form
Please indicate which course/s you would like to attend :
ITEM ToolKit Workshop
Advanced Reliability Topics
Safety Modeling
Reliability Modeling
Risk Assessment
Scheduled Dates: 2009
Please register your information below:
(* Required Field)
Title / Mr / Mrs / etc *
Surname *
Job Title
Street Address
City / Town
County / State / Province
Postal Code / Zip Code
Country *
Telephone *
E-mail *
Reliability Consulting
* Starting a new reliability, safety, or risk assessment project?
* Trying to complete an existing one?
* In need of validating your analysis results with an outside view?
* Not sure where to start with your process, system, or components?
Count on ITEM Software when you need extra help. For years ITEM has provided more than just RAMS and Risk Assessment software tools to companies. Our engineers can provide reliability consulting services to assist you in conducting your analyses. Our experienced, worldwide staff is able to help you with any size project or analysis, across nearly any industry. We can work with you on RAMS and Risk analysis projects from beginning to end, under strict confidentially.
Our approach to reliability consulting is to deliver the most complete and accurate results and analysis, including your team as much as you wish in the process. Many of our clients have asked that we train their team as we go, making them self-sufficient by the end of the project. We gladly deliver, discuss, and defend all results, project files, and knowledge gained during and after the project.
We want your experience with our reliability consulting group to be unmatched in the industry. From the very first contact, you will discover that we have your interests at the forefront of our proposals and methodologies. Many clients have taken advantage of our expertise when conducting RAMS and Risk Assessment, saving time, money and other valuable resources.
Trying to decide which design is safest? Should you invest in space capsule design A or B? ITEM has provided risk and safety analyses to companies in the growing commercial space market. Utilizing Quantitative Risk Assessment, scenarios were built to analyze the safety and risk of the spacecraft.
ITEM Software continues to perform electronic and electro-mechanical reliability analyses for companies large and small. Whether it is only a few components, or your entire database, ITEM has the experience and tools to calculate the MTBF and failure rate of many components and devices. Let us do your "what if" analysis and show you the best approach in components, subsystems or systems selection.
Need to take your manufacturing reliability and processes to the next level? ITEM has helped companies refine and control their internal manufacturing processes. Your clients demand results of analyses that you might not be familiar with. ITEM has that experience, and are willing to help you learn the steps needed for a successful analysis and implementation of methodologies such as process and design FMEA, reliability and maintainability programs.
ITEM has been contracted to assist and conduct reliability and safety assessment on medical devices such as laser scanners and medicine dispensing automation, in preparation for FDA approval. Using Reliability Prediction, FMECA (ISO 9000 and ISO 14971), Fault Tree, and other methods, ITEM has been instrumental in making these devices safer and more reliable.
ITEM Software has been instrumental in many military projects. Assisting clients with basic to complex electronics and mechanical reliability prediction, availability and maintainability of on board communication systems and most recently, multiple weapon safety analyses for the United States Navy and Quantitative Risk Assessment for the Air Force.
Are you designing or rolling out new technology? Need to know system availability, reliability, or state analysis? Our reliability consulting service has helped several emerging and established companies to perform a variety of analyses, and train their staff on how to perform these analyses on their own.
Comprehensive Technical Support and Software Upgrades are available to all our customers who have a Maintenance contract with us.
For an annual fee, users have unlimited access to our dedicated Technical Support team via telephone, fax and email. We also provide web based tutorials to get you up and running with the software as soon as possible.
Technical Support
The mission of the ITEM Technical Services Group is to be an extension of your engineering team. Not only are we available to assist you with using our software, but we can also help you through the reliability, safety and risk modeling processes, start to finish. Whether via telephone, email, instant messenger or webinars, our staff of experienced and interested engineers will go the extra mile to ensure you get the answers you need. With offices in the USA and UK, we easily cover your worldwide support needs.
Periodically we upgrade our software products, adding improvements and new features on a regular basis. Maintained customers are able to download these updates from our website, or request them to be sent on CD, when available.
Our continued development enables our customers to keep up to date with the latest technological advancements. This is something that, in our increasingly competitive times, is becoming of greater importance and a commercial necessity.
Enhance Your User Experience Now
If you are an existing ITEM software user and would like to take out an annual maintenance contract for your current products, giving you access to the very latest editions of the programs and outstanding support, then please give our sales team a call or drop them line on at the contact details below:
US Office : | Tel : +1 714 935 2900
UK Office : | Tel : +44 (0) 1489 885085
Contact Us
For all inquiries, please contact us directly at the location closest to you. We can also direct you to one of our world-wide partners. We are very diligent with our emails, so if you do not hear back from us quickly, something outside of our control has happened. Please try again, or just give us a call.
Alternatively you can contact us by completing the registration form on the right.
North & South America:
ITEM Software (USA Office)
2190 Towne Center Place
Suite 314
CA 92806
Location Map
Telephone: +1 714 935 2900
+1 866 761 4836 (toll free)
Facsimile: +1 714 935 2911
UK & Rest of World:
ITEM Software (UK Office)
4 Belfry House
4400 Parkway
PO15 7FJ
Location Map
Telephone: +44 (0)1489-885085
Facsimile: +44 (0)1489-885065
ITEM Software
World Leading Developers of Reliability, Safety Analysis
and Risk Assessment Software
ITEM Software is the acknowledged world leader in the supply of Reliability Engineering Software. If your business is involved with Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) evaluation, or Risk Assessment, you need to contact ITEM Software.
Company History
In 1984 a contract was awarded from the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) to develop a software program to record and manage a library of electronic components and equipment. In January 1985, the software program "MilLib" was delivered satisfactorily to the MOD and further contracts were awarded. These included a major contract to develop a software program to predict the reliability of electronic components based on the military handbook MIL-HDBK-217, published by the US Department of Defense (DOD). The software program "MilStress" was released in 1986 with huge success and was thereafter available "off the shelf" to any company that required to perform a reliability analysis based on the MIL-HDBK-217 standard. MilStress is still in use worldwide across a number of industries, due in part to its accuracy, reliability and ease of use.
The MilStress program has since gone through many phases and in its current form, ITEM ToolKit's MIL-HDBK-217 module , is still recognised as the best available on the market.
Since the success of MilStress, ITEM Software has come a long way in providing the RAMS engineers of today with powerful "state-of-the-art" Reliability and Safety Analysis Software Tools. We currently have over 7,500 licensed installations in 37 countries worldwide, including a number of Premier Companies and major organizations in industries such as Defence, Telecommunications, Aerospace, Nuclear, Petroleum, Medical, Electronics, Insurance etc. We continue to maintain our status as the "World Leaders in Reliability and Safety Analysis Software" by providing the latest in software technology fused with over 20 years of experience in reliability and safety engineering, together with the excellent after sales service and support to which our customers have become accustomed.
We are dedicated to providing our customers with the highest standard of products and after sales service. Our products are continuously being upgraded in response to user requirements and current software technology. Support is available from experienced engineers and software specialists. We also provide training in the techniques employed in this area and the use of our software products.
Please feel free to browse through our website, register your details and download our latest software products for your evaluation.
ITEM Software produces reliability analysis tools which are applicable to a wide range of industries. ITEM ToolKit's Fault Tree, Markov, and FMEA modules can be used to model software reliability, physical security, as well as human interaction with systems. Our Event Tree module can be used to perform Decision Tree Analysis, as well as Safety Assessment of any system. Our reliability prediction analysis modules are up-to-date yet flexible enough to suit your evolving needs. Still have questions? Give us a call, or email us.
Thank you for visiting our website at this time. We look forward to being of service to you or your company in the near future.
ITEM Software
World Leading Developers of Reliability, Safety Analysis
and Risk Assessment Software
ITEM Software is the acknowledged world leader in the supply of Reliability Engineering Software. If your business is involved with Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) evaluation, or Risk Assessment, you need to contact ITEM Software.
Company History
In 1984 a contract was awarded from the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) to develop a software program to record and manage a library of electronic components and equipment. In January 1985, the software program "MilLib" was delivered satisfactorily to the MOD and further contracts were awarded. These included a major contract to develop a software program to predict the reliability of electronic components based on the military handbook MIL-HDBK-217, published by the US Department of Defense (DOD). The software program "MilStress" was released in 1986 with huge success and was thereafter available "off the shelf" to any company that required to perform a reliability analysis based on the MIL-HDBK-217 standard. MilStress is still in use worldwide across a number of industries, due in part to its accuracy, reliability and ease of use.
The MilStress program has since gone through many phases and in its current form, ITEM ToolKit's MIL-HDBK-217 module , is still recognised as the best available on the market.
Since the success of MilStress, ITEM Software has come a long way in providing the RAMS engineers of today with powerful "state-of-the-art" Reliability and Safety Analysis Software Tools. We currently have over 7,500 licensed installations in 37 countries worldwide, including a number of Premier Companies and major organizations in industries such as Defence, Telecommunications, Aerospace, Nuclear, Petroleum, Medical, Electronics, Insurance etc. We continue to maintain our status as the "World Leaders in Reliability and Safety Analysis Software" by providing the latest in software technology fused with over 20 years of experience in reliability and safety engineering, together with the excellent after sales service and support to which our customers have become accustomed.
We are dedicated to providing our customers with the highest standard of products and after sales service. Our products are continuously being upgraded in response to user requirements and current software technology. Support is available from experienced engineers and software specialists. We also provide training in the techniques employed in this area and the use of our software products.
Please feel free to browse through our website, register your details and download our latest software products for your evaluation.
ITEM Software produces reliability analysis tools which are applicable to a wide range of industries. ITEM ToolKit's Fault Tree, Markov, and FMEA modules can be used to model software reliability, physical security, as well as human interaction with systems. Our Event Tree module can be used to perform Decision Tree Analysis, as well as Safety Assessment of any system. Our reliability prediction analysis modules are up-to-date yet flexible enough to suit your evolving needs. Still have questions? Give us a call, or email us.
Thank you for visiting our website at this time. We look forward to being of service to you or your company in the near future.
Safety Management System (SMS) For Airlines
Safety Management Systems for Airlines
Every organisation needs a functioning management system that has continuity throughout the organisation and provides positive control of the operation. The system must have accountability to ensure the effectiveness and integrity of the operational management and control system. This course will help participants achieve the above within their organisations and design safety into all aspects of their business and operations.
How You Will Benefit
* Acquire knowledge, techniques and skills in developing and managing a Safety Management System, as well as measuring its performance
* Reduce costs substantially
* Target resources appropriately and measure the results
* Manage safety-risks proactively
* Communicate effectively on safety with the Civil Aviation Authority, customers, insurance underwriters and financial institutions
* Build a positive safety culture
Designed for
* Representatives from Civil Aviation Authorities
* Experienced managers from airlines, airports, ANS providers, manufacturers and maintenance
* Supervisors from the operational professions
* Members of Aviation Boards of Directors
* Managers from the insurance and legal professions
Course Content
* Accident Causation/Prevention
* Introduction to SMS
* Components
* IATA & Safety Management
* Safety-risk Management
* Conducting a Hazard Analysis
* Identifying Safety Deficiencies
* Implementing the SMS
* Safety Management of Change
* Operating the SMS
* Proactive Safety Measurement
* Evaluating the SMS
* Regulating the SMS
* Safety Dialogue
Classroom Courses
August 24 - August 28, 2009
Geneva, Switzerland Class No : 15871 Course Fee & Registration
Category Price
Non-Members (USD) $3,000.00 Register
IATA / ICAO / ACI / IGHC Members,
IATA Partners, ANS Providers,
IATA Airport Advisors (USD) $2,550.00 Register
Developing Nations* (USD) $2,100.00 Register
* Applies to : IATA / ICAO / ACI / IGHC Members, IATA Partners, ANS Providers, IATA Airport Advisors headquartered in Developing Nations.
October 12 - October 16, 2009
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Class No : 17132 Course Fee & Registration
Category Price
Non-Members (USD) $3,000.00 See Note below
IATA / ICAO / ACI / IGHC Members,
IATA Partners, ANS Providers,
IATA Airport Advisors (USD) $2,550.00 See Note below
Developing Nations* (USD) $2,100.00 See Note below
* Applies to : IATA / ICAO / ACI / IGHC Members, IATA Partners, ANS Providers, IATA Airport Advisors headquartered in Developing Nations.
Regional Course (USD) $1,900.00 See Note below
Note :
The regional fee applies to participants from the East Africa Region
Course Location
Ethiopian Aviation Training Academy
Bole International Airport
PO box 1755, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Please download this Registration Form and fax or email it to:
Tigist Terefe
Manager Commercial Operation Training
Tel: +251-115-178372
Fax: +251-115-178372
October 26 - October 30, 2009
Moscow, Russia Class No : 16776 Course Fee & Registration
Category Price
Non-Members (USD) $3,000.00 By Fax
IATA / ICAO / ACI / IGHC Members,
IATA Partners, ANS Providers,
IATA Airport Advisors (USD) $2,550.00 By Fax
Developing Nations* (USD) $2,100.00 By Fax
* Applies to : IATA / ICAO / ACI / IGHC Members, IATA Partners, ANS Providers, IATA Airport Advisors headquartered in Developing Nations.
Regional Course (USD) $1,890.00 By Fax
December 06 - December 10, 2009
Cairo, Egypt Class No : 17551 Course Fee & Registration
Category Price
Non-Members (USD) $3,000.00 See Note below
IATA / ICAO / ACI / IGHC Members,
IATA Partners, ANS Providers,
IATA Airport Advisors (USD) $2,550.00 See Note below
Developing Nations* (USD) $2,100.00 See Note below
* Applies to : IATA / ICAO / ACI / IGHC Members, IATA Partners, ANS Providers, IATA Airport Advisors headquartered in Developing Nations.
Note :
For course location & registration Information please contact:
Sherif Abdel Monem
Tel : +202 2265 6264 , +202 2696 3842
Fax : +202 2265 6240
Please note that if no sessions are listed above, then this course is currently not scheduled for delivery in our IATA classrooms.
All IATA courses can be delivered to your offices and tailored to your organisation's reality and needs. If you have a group of 15 or more individuals for this course, please contact us at and we will provide you with information about bringing this c
Every organisation needs a functioning management system that has continuity throughout the organisation and provides positive control of the operation. The system must have accountability to ensure the effectiveness and integrity of the operational management and control system. This course will help participants achieve the above within their organisations and design safety into all aspects of their business and operations.
How You Will Benefit
* Acquire knowledge, techniques and skills in developing and managing a Safety Management System, as well as measuring its performance
* Reduce costs substantially
* Target resources appropriately and measure the results
* Manage safety-risks proactively
* Communicate effectively on safety with the Civil Aviation Authority, customers, insurance underwriters and financial institutions
* Build a positive safety culture
Designed for
* Representatives from Civil Aviation Authorities
* Experienced managers from airlines, airports, ANS providers, manufacturers and maintenance
* Supervisors from the operational professions
* Members of Aviation Boards of Directors
* Managers from the insurance and legal professions
Course Content
* Accident Causation/Prevention
* Introduction to SMS
* Components
* IATA & Safety Management
* Safety-risk Management
* Conducting a Hazard Analysis
* Identifying Safety Deficiencies
* Implementing the SMS
* Safety Management of Change
* Operating the SMS
* Proactive Safety Measurement
* Evaluating the SMS
* Regulating the SMS
* Safety Dialogue
Classroom Courses
August 24 - August 28, 2009
Geneva, Switzerland Class No : 15871 Course Fee & Registration
Category Price
Non-Members (USD) $3,000.00 Register
IATA / ICAO / ACI / IGHC Members,
IATA Partners, ANS Providers,
IATA Airport Advisors (USD) $2,550.00 Register
Developing Nations* (USD) $2,100.00 Register
* Applies to : IATA / ICAO / ACI / IGHC Members, IATA Partners, ANS Providers, IATA Airport Advisors headquartered in Developing Nations.
October 12 - October 16, 2009
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Class No : 17132 Course Fee & Registration
Category Price
Non-Members (USD) $3,000.00 See Note below
IATA / ICAO / ACI / IGHC Members,
IATA Partners, ANS Providers,
IATA Airport Advisors (USD) $2,550.00 See Note below
Developing Nations* (USD) $2,100.00 See Note below
* Applies to : IATA / ICAO / ACI / IGHC Members, IATA Partners, ANS Providers, IATA Airport Advisors headquartered in Developing Nations.
Regional Course (USD) $1,900.00 See Note below
Note :
The regional fee applies to participants from the East Africa Region
Course Location
Ethiopian Aviation Training Academy
Bole International Airport
PO box 1755, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Please download this Registration Form and fax or email it to:
Tigist Terefe
Manager Commercial Operation Training
Tel: +251-115-178372
Fax: +251-115-178372
October 26 - October 30, 2009
Moscow, Russia Class No : 16776 Course Fee & Registration
Category Price
Non-Members (USD) $3,000.00 By Fax
IATA / ICAO / ACI / IGHC Members,
IATA Partners, ANS Providers,
IATA Airport Advisors (USD) $2,550.00 By Fax
Developing Nations* (USD) $2,100.00 By Fax
* Applies to : IATA / ICAO / ACI / IGHC Members, IATA Partners, ANS Providers, IATA Airport Advisors headquartered in Developing Nations.
Regional Course (USD) $1,890.00 By Fax
December 06 - December 10, 2009
Cairo, Egypt Class No : 17551 Course Fee & Registration
Category Price
Non-Members (USD) $3,000.00 See Note below
IATA / ICAO / ACI / IGHC Members,
IATA Partners, ANS Providers,
IATA Airport Advisors (USD) $2,550.00 See Note below
Developing Nations* (USD) $2,100.00 See Note below
* Applies to : IATA / ICAO / ACI / IGHC Members, IATA Partners, ANS Providers, IATA Airport Advisors headquartered in Developing Nations.
Note :
For course location & registration Information please contact:
Sherif Abdel Monem
Tel : +202 2265 6264 , +202 2696 3842
Fax : +202 2265 6240
Please note that if no sessions are listed above, then this course is currently not scheduled for delivery in our IATA classrooms.
All IATA courses can be delivered to your offices and tailored to your organisation's reality and needs. If you have a group of 15 or more individuals for this course, please contact us at and we will provide you with information about bringing this c
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