Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Menimbang        : a. bahwa dalam Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor KM 24 Tahun 2009 Tentang Peraturan Keselamatan Penerbangan Sipil Bagian 139 (Civil Aviation Safety Regulations Part 139) tentang bandar udara (Aerodrome) telah di atur ketentuan - ketentuan sertifikat bandar udara dan register bandar udara; 
 b. bahwa untuk melaksanakan ketentuan sebagaimana di maksud dalam huruf a, dipandang perlu mengatur petunjuk dan tata cara sertifikasi bandar udara dan registrasi bandar udara, dengan Peraturan Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Udara;      Mengingat : 1. Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 1 Tahun 2009 tentang Penerbangan (Lebaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2009 Nomor 1, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia nomor 4956); 
2. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 3 Tahun 2001 tentang Keamanan dan Keselamatan Penerbangan (Lembaran Negara Tahun 2001 Nomor 9, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Nomor 4075); 
3. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 70 Tahun 2001 tentang Kebandarudaraan (Lembaran Negara Tahun 2001 nomor 128,  Tambahan Lembaran Negara Nomor 4146); 
4. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 6 Tahun 2009 tentang Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Jenis dan Tarif atas Jenis Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP) yang berlaku pada Departemen Perhubungan (Lembaran Negara Tahun 2009 nomor 19,  Tambahan Lembaran Negara Nomor 4973);

5. Peraturan Presiden Nomor 10 Tahun 2005 tentang Unit Organisasi dan Tugas Eselon I Kementerian Negara Republik Indonesia sebagaimana telah diubah terakhir dengan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 17 Tahun 2007;  
6. Peraturan Presiden Nomor 47 Tahun 2009 tentang Pembentukan dan Organisasi Kementerian Negara;  
7. Keputusan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor T.11./2/4-U Tahun 1960 tanggal 30 Nopember 1960 tentang Peraturan- Peraturan Keselamatan Penerbangan Sipil (CASR) sebagaimana telah diubah terakhir dengan Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor KM 29 Tahun 2010; 
8. Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Udara Nomor KM 43 Tahun 2005 tentang Susunan Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Departemen Perhubungan, sebagaimana telah diubah terakhir dengan Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor KM 20 Tahun 2008;  
9. Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor KM 20 tahun 2009 tentang Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan (Safety Management System); 
10. Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor KM 24 tahun 2009 tentang Peraturan Keselamatan Penerbangan Sipil  Bagian 139 (Civil Aviation Safety Regulation Part 139) tentang Bandar Udara (Aerodrome);   11. Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor KM 35 tahun 2009  tentang Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Jenis dan Tarif atas Jenis Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP) yang berlaku pada Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara. 
12. Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor KM 8 Tahun 2010 tentang Program Keselamatan Penerbangan Nasional;
13. Peraturan Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Udara Nomor SKEP/223/X/2009 tentang Pedoman dan Tata Cara Pelaksanaan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan (Safety Management System) Operasi Bandar Udara, Bagian 139- 01 (Advisory Circular 139-01, Airport Safety Management System);      
 Pasal 1 
Dalam Peraturan ini yang dimaksud dengan : 
1. Pesawat Udara adalah setiap mesin atau alat yang dapat terbang di atmosfer karena gaya angkat dari reaksi udara, tetapi bukan karena reaksi udara terhadap permukaan bumi yang digunakan untuk penerbangan. 
2. Bandar Udara adalah kawasan di daratan dan/atau perairan dengan batas- batas tertentu yang digunakan sebagai tempat pesawat udara mendarat dan lepas landas, naik turun penumpang, bongkar muat barang, dan tempat perpindahan intra dan antarmoda transportasi, yang dilengkapi dengan fasilitas keselamatan dan keamanan penerbangan, serta fasilitas pokok dan fasilitas penunjang lainnya. 
3. Aerodrome adalah kawasan di daratan dan/atau perairan dengan batas-batas tertentu yang hanya digunakan sebagai tempat pesawat udara mendarat dan lepas landas. 
4. Airstrip adalah sebuah tempat dimana pesawat udara lepas landas dan mendarat (airfield) tanpa fasilitas bandara normal. 
5. Penyelenggara Bandar Udara (Aerodrome Operator) adalah Pemerintah, Pemerintah Daerah, dan Badan Hukum Indonesia pemegang sertifikat atau register bandar udara yang dikeluarkan oleh Direktur Jenderal. 
6. Keselamatan Penerbangan adalah suatu keadaan terpenuhinya persyaratan keselamatan dalam pemanfaatan wilayah udara, pesawat udara, Bandar udara, angkutan udara, navigasi penerbangan, serta fasilitas penunjang dan fasilitas umum lainnya; 
7. Keselamatan Operasi Bandar Udara adalah suatu keadaan terpenuhinya persyaratan keselamatan dalam pengoperasian Bandar udara beserta fasilitas penunjang dan fasilitas umum lainnya; 
8. Pedoman Pengoperasian Bandar Udara (Aerodrome Manual) adalah dokumen yang terdiri dari data dan informasi operasional, prosedur pengoperasian dan prosedur perawatan fasilitas bandar udara termasuk semua perubahannya yang telah disetujui oleh Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara; 
9. Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan Operasi Bandar Udara (Airport Safety Management System) adalah suatu sistem untuk  manajemen keselamatan pada bandar udara yang meliputi struktur organisasi, tanggung jawab, prosedur, proses dan  peraturan dalam melaksanakan kebijakan keselamatan bandar udara oleh penyelenggara bandar udara, yang melaksanakan pengawasan keselamatan, dan pengoperasian bandar udara; 
10. Kemampuan Angkut Maksimum (maximum carrying capacity) adalah maksimum kapasitas tempat duduk pesawat udara atau maksimum beban angkut pesawat udara berdasarkan persetujuan sertifikat tipe pesawat udara; 
11. Maksimum Kapasitas Tempat Duduk Pesawat Udara (maximum passenger seating Capacity) adalah jumlah maksimum tempat duduk penumpang di pesawat udara berdasarkan sertifikat tipe pesawat udara; 
12. Fasilitas dan Peralatan Bandar Udara adalah semua fasilitas dan peralatan baik di dalam maupun di luar daerah lingkungan kerja bandar udara, yang dibangun atau dipasang (diinstalasi) dan dipelihara untuk tujuan melayani kedatangan, keberangkatan dan pergerakan permukaan pesawat udara, termasuk pelayanan darat pesawat udara; 
13. Personel Bandar Udara adalah personel yang terkait langsung dengan pelaksanaan pengoperasian dan/atau pemeliharaan fasilitas dan peralatan bandar udara; 
14. Angkutan Udara Niaga adalah angkutan udara untuk umum dengan memungut pembayaran; 
15. Angkutan Udara Bukan Niaga adalah angkutan udara yang digunakan untuk melayani kepentingan sendiri yang dilakukan untuk mendukung kegiatan yang usaha pokoknya selain di bidang angkutan udara; 
16. Sertifikat Bandar Udara (Aerodrome certificate) adalah tanda bukti terpenuhinya persyaratan keselamatan penerbangan dalam pengoperasian bandar udara yang diterbitkan oleh Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Udara berdasarkan Sub bagian B - Peraturan Keselamatan Penerbangan Sipil Bagian 139;  
17. Register Bandar Udara (Aerodrome Register) adalah tanda bukti terpenuhinya persyaratan keselamatan penerbangan dalam pengoperasian bandar udara yang diterbitkan oleh Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Udara berdasarkan Sub bagian F - Peraturan Keselamatan Penerbangan Sipil Bagian 139;    
18. Pengelolaan keselamatan (Safety Plan) adalah dokumentasi identifikasi hazard, penilaian resiko dan mitigasi terhadap penyimpangan atau tidak terpenuhinya standar teknis pengoperasian bandar udara (Manual of Standard / MOS) atau perubahan fasilitas dan prosedur pengoperasian bandar udara.   
19. Direktur Jenderal adalah Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Udara; 
20. Direktur adalah Direktur Bandar Udara.  
Pasal 2 
(1) Setiap bandar udara yang dioperasikan wajib memenuhi ketentuan keselamatan dan keamanan penerbangan serta pelayanan jasa bandar udara. 
(2) Bandar udara yang telah memenuhi ketentuan keselamatan operasi bandar udara sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) diberikan sertifikat bandar udara atau register bandar udara oleh Direktur Jenderal.   
Pasal 3 
(1) Untuk mendapatkan sertifikat bandar udara, pemohon wajib mengajukan permohonan penerbitan sertifikat bandar udara kepada Direktur Jenderal dengan tembusan kepada Direktur, sesuai appendik 1 pada lampiran. 
(2) Permohonan penerbitan sertifikat bandar udara sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) wajib dilengkapi dokumen administrasi : a. akte pendirian perusahaan atau lembaga / instansi; b. buku pedoman pengoperasian bandar udara (Aerodrome manual); c. buku pedoman sistem manajemen keselamatan operasi bandar udara (Aerodrome SMS manual); d. bukti pembayaran Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP) untuk penerbitan/perpanjangan sertifikat bandar udara. 
Pasal 4 
(1) Setelah menerima permohonan penerbitan sertifikat  bandar udara, Direktur melakukan : 
a. pemeriksaan administrasi; dan b. pemeriksaan teknis operasional. 
(2) Apabila hasil pemeriksaan administrasi sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) huruf a  dinyatakan telah lengkap serta sesuai dengan ketentuan, dituangkan dalam berita acara pemeriksaan administrasi dan dilanjutkan dengan pemeriksaan teknis operasional;
 (3) Pemeriksaan teknis operasional sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (2) dilaksanakan berdasarkan Manual Of Standard (MOS) dan buku pedoman pengoperasian bandar udara (aerodrome manual) dan dituangkan dalam berita acara hasil pemeriksaan teknis operasional. 
Pasal 5 
(1) Direktur Jenderal menerbitkan sertifikat bandar udara apabila berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan teknis operasional bandar udara telah memenuhi ketentuan Manual of Standard (MOS). 
(2) Sertifikat bandar udara sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) diterbitkan paling lambat 14 (empat belas) hari kerja sejak bandar udara dinyatakan memenuhi ketentuan Manual of standard (MOS).  
Pasal 6 
(1) Apabila hasil pemeriksaan administrasi sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 4 ayat (1) dinyatakan  belum lengkap dan belum sesuai dengan ketentuan, Direktur akan menyampaikan pemberitahuan kepada pemohon guna perbaikan. 
(2) Perbaikan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) harus diterima oleh Direktur paling lambat 3 (tiga) bulan sejak pemberitahuan diterima oleh pemohon. 
(3) Pemohon yang tidak melakukan perbaikan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (2), maka permohonan penerbitan sertifikat bandar udara dinyatakan gugur dan perlu diulang kembali. 
Pasal 7 
(1) Apabila hasil pemeriksaan teknis operasional sebagaimana pada ayat (1) ditemukan ketidaksesuaian (non-compliance) dengan Manual of Standard (MOS), pemohon harus membuat dan menyampaikan pengelolaan keselamatan (Safety Plan) kepada Direktur. 
(2) Pengelolaan keselamatan (Safety Plan) sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (2), harus disampaikan pemohon kepada Direktur paling lambat 3 (tiga) bulan sejak pemberitahuan diterima oleh pemohon. 
(3) Pemohon yang tidak membuat pengelolaan keselamatan (Safety Plan) sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (3), maka permohonan penerbitan sertifikat bandar udara dinyatakan gugur.     
 Pasal 8 
Pembayaran atas permohonan penerbitan sertifikat bandar udara yang telah dibayar oleh pemohon yang permohonannya dinyatakan gugur, sebagaimana dimaksud dalam pasal 6 ayat (3) dan pasal 7 ayat (3)  dinyatakan hangus.  
Pasal 9 
(1) Penerbitan register bandar udara dibedakan atas : a. register bandar udara; dan b. register bandar udara bukan niaga. 
(2) Register bandar udara sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) huruf a diberikan kepada : a. bandar udara yang melayani pesawat udara dengan kapasitas maksimum 30 (tiga puluh) tempat duduk atau dengan berat maksimum tinggal landas sampai dengan 5.700 kg untuk angkutan udara niaga; atau b. bandar udara yang melayani pesawat udara dengan kapasitas lebih dari 9 (sembilan) tempat duduk sampai dengan 30 (tiga puluh) tempat duduk untuk angkutan udara bukan niaga. 
(3) Register bandar udara bukan niaga sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) huruf b diberikan kepada bandar udara yang melayani pesawat udara dengan kapasitas maksimum 9 (sembilan) tempat duduk untuk angkutan udara bukan niaga. 
(4) Untuk mendapatkan register bandar udara, pemohon wajib mengajukan permohonan penerbitan register bandar udara kepada Direktur Jenderal dengan tembusan kepada Direktur, sesuai appendiks 2 pada lampiran. 
(5) Permohonan penerbitan register bandar udara sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) di atas wajib dilengkapi : 
a. akte pendirian perusahaan atau lembaga / instansi; b. buku pedoman pengoperasian bandar udara (Aerodrome manual); dan c. bukti pembayaran Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak untuk penerbitan/perpanjangan sertifikat bandar udara. 
Pasal 10 
(1) Setelah menerima permohonan register  bandar udara, Direktur melakukan : 
(a) pemeriksaan administrasi; dan (b) pemeriksaan teknis operasional. 
(2) Apabila hasil pemeriksaan administrasi sebagaimana pada ayat (1) huruf a dinyatakan  lengkap serta sesuai dengan ketentuan, dituangkan dalam berita acara pemeriksaan administrasi dan dilanjutkan dengan pemeriksaan teknis operasional; 
(3) Pemeriksaan teknis operasional sebagaimana pada ayat (2) dilaksanakan berdasarkan manual of standard / MOS dan buku pedoman pengoperasian bandar udara (aerodrome manual) dan dituangkan dalam berita acara hasil pemeriksaan teknis operasional. 
Pasal 11 
(1) Direktur Jenderal menerbitkan register bandar udara apabila berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan teknis operasional bandar udara telah memenuhi ketentuan Manual of Standard (MOS). 
(2) Register bandar udara sebagaimana pada ayat (1) diterbitkan paling lambat 14 (empat belas) hari kerja sejak bandar udara dinyatakan memenuhi ketentuan Manual of standard (MOS). 
Pasal 12 
(1) Apabila hasil pemeriksaan administrasi sebagaimana dalam Pasal 10 ayat (2) dinyatakan  belum lengkap dan belum sesuai dengan ketentuan, Direktur akan menyampaikan pemberitahuan kepada pemohon guna perbaikan. 
(2) Perbaikan sebagaimana pada ayat (1) harus diterima oleh Direktur paling lambat 3 (tiga) bulan sejak pemberitahuan diterima oleh pemohon. 
(3) Pemohon yang tidak melakukan perbaikan sebagaimana pada ayat (2), maka permohonan penerbitan register bandar udara dinyatakan gugur. 
Pasal 13 
(1) Apabila berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan teknis operasional sebagaimana pada ayat (1) ditemukan ketidaksesuaian (non-compliance) dengan Petunjuk Teknis Pengoperasian Bandar udara (Manual of Standard), pemohon harus membuat dan menyampaikan pengelolaan keselamatan (Safety Plan) kepada Direktur. 
(2) Pengelolaan keselamatan (Safety Plan) sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (2), harus disampaikan pemohon kepada Direktur  paling lambat 3 (tiga) bulan sejak pemberitahuan diterima oleh pemohon. 
(3) Pemohon yang tidak membuat pengelolaan keselamatan (Safety Plan) sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (3), maka permohonan penerbitan register bandar udara dinyatakan gugur.    
Pasal 14 
Pembayaran atas permohonan penerbitan register bandara udara yang telah dibayar oleh pemohon yang permohonannya dinyatakan gugur, sebagaimana dimaksud dalam pasal 12 ayat (3) dan pasal 13 ayat (3)  dinyatakan hangus.  
Pasal 15 
(1) Permohonan perpanjangan sertifikat bandar udara atau register bandar udara diajukan oleh pemohon kepada Direktur Jenderal dengan tembusan kepada Direktur, sesuai appendiks 3 dan appendiks 4 pada lampiran. 
(2) Permohonan perpanjangan sertifikat atau register bandar udara sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) diatas wajib dilengkapi : a. akte pendirian perusahaan atau lembaga / instansi; b. buku pedoman pengoperasian bandar udara (Aerodrome Manual); c. buku pedoman sistim manajemen keselamatan operasi bandar udara (Aerodrome SMS Manual), tidak diwajibkan untuk register bandar udara d. bukti pembayaran Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak untuk penerbitan/perpanjangan sertifikat  atau register; e. sertifikat atau register bandar udara yang akan berakhir masa berlakunya; dan f. hasil pemeriksaan teknis operasional berkala tahunan dan atau hasil pengawasan keselamatan operasi bandar udara (audit, inspeksi, pengamatan). 
(3) Tata cara permohonan perpanjangan sertifikat atau register bandar udara sesuai dengan ketentuan sebagaimana diatur dalam pasal 4, 5, 6, 7 dan 8.  
Pasal 16 
(1) Direktur Jenderal akan menerbitkan sertifikat bandar udara dengan catatan atau register bandar udara dengan catatan berisikan persyaratan tambahan yang diperlukan dalam rangka menjamin keselamatan operasi bandar udara sesuai kondisi bandar udara tersebut.   (2) Catatan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) menjadi satu kesatuan yang tidak terpisahkan dengan sertifikat atau register bandar udara.  
(3) Direktur Jenderal harus memberikan alasan secara tertulis kepada penyelenggara bandar udara mengenai catatan pada sertifikat atau register bandar udara tersebut. 
(4) Untuk lebih menjamin keselamatan operasi bandar udara sebagaimana pada ayat (1), penyelenggara bandar udara harus memenuhi catatan pada sertifikat atau register bandar udara selama pengoperasian bandar udara.  
Pasal 17 
(1) Direktur Jenderal dapat menerbitkan sertifikat bandar udara dengan pengecualian dari kewajiban (exemption) atau register bandar udara dengan pengecualian dari kewajiban (exemption) apabila penyelenggara bandar udara tidak dapat memenuhi Manual of Standard (MOS). 
(2) Penyelenggara bandar udara agar membuat permohonan untuk mendapatkan pengecualian dari kewajiban (exemption) sesuai appendiks 5 pada lampiran, dengan dilengkapi pengelolaan keselamatan (safety plan).  
(3) Direktur Jenderal secara tertulis akan memberikan sertifikat bandar udara dengan pengecualian dari kewajiban (exemption)  dan register bandar udara dengan pengecualian dari kewajiban (exemption) setelah meyakini bahwa pengelolaan keselamatan (safety plan) dapat diterima dari aspek keselamatan operasi bandar udara dan penyelenggara bandar udara melaksanakannya.  
Pasal 18  
(1) Penyelenggara bandar udara wajib mematuhi semua peraturan perundang- undangan yang berlaku. 
(2) Penyelenggara bandar udara wajib melaksanakan ketentuan yang diatur dalam sertifikat atau register bandar udara. 
(3) Penyelenggara bandar udara wajib memberi izin dan membantu sepenuhnya dalam pelaksanaan audit, inspeksi, dan/ atau pengamatan yang dilakukan oleh inspektur bandar udara atau petugas yang ditunjuk oleh Direktur Jenderal. 
(4) Penyelenggara bandar udara wajib melaksanakan pengelolaan manajemen perubahan (management change) apababila terjadi  perubahan  kemampuan operasi bandar udara dan dilaporkan kepada Direktur Jenderal. 
Pasal 19 
(1) Penyelenggara bandar udara yang tidak melaksanakan  kewajiban keselamatan operasi bandar udara  sebagaimana dimaksud dalam pasal 18 dapat dikenakan sanksi administratif berupa : a. peringatan tertulis; b. pembatasan kemampuan operasional bandar udara; c. pembekuan sertifikat atau register bandar udara; dan  d. pencabutan sertifikat atau register bandar udara.   
(2) Peringatan tertulis sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) disertai dengan alasan tidak dipenuhinya kewajiban oleh penyelenggara bandar udara. 
(3) Apabila penyelenggara bandar udara dalam waktu 3 (tiga) bulan tidak melakukan perbaikan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (2), maka Direktur Jenderal memberikan pembatasan kemampuan operasi bandar udara.  
(4) Apabila penyelenggara bandar udara dalam waktu 3 (tiga) bulan tidak melakukan perbaikan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (3), maka Direktur Jenderal melakukan pembekuan sertifikat atau register bandar udara dan penghentian operasi bandar udara sementara. 
(5) Apabila dalam waktu 30 (tiga puluh) hari sejak pembekuan sertifikat atau register bandar udara sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (4) tidak dilakukan perbaikan, maka  Direktur Jenderal  mencabut sertifikat atau register bandar udara dan menutup pengoperasian bandar udara. 
(6) Pembatasan kemampuan operasi, pembekuan sertifikat atau register bandar udara dan penutupan operasi bandar udara sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (3), (4) dan (5) diberitahukan oleh Direktur Jenderal kepada penyelenggara bandar udara dan di publikasikan melalui NOTAM sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku.  
Pasal 20 
(1) Dalam keadaan tertentu Direktur Jenderal dapat mengeluarkan sertifikat atau register  bandar udara sementara pada bandar udara atau airstrip yang tidak mempunyai penyelenggara bandar udara setelah memenuhi ketentuan keselamatan penerbangan berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan teknis operasional dan adanya penanggung jawab operasional bandar udara. 
 (2) Keadaan tertentu sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) antara lain terdiri dari : a. terjadi bencana alam atau keadaan darurat lainnya; b. kegiatan Pejabat Pemerintahan; c. untuk angkutan udara niaga tidak berjadwal dan non niaga. 
(3) Pemeriksaan teknis operasional sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) dilaksanakan setelah adanya permohonan dari penanggung jawab operasional bandar udara kepada Direktur. 
(4) Penanggung jawab operasional bandar udara sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah, pemerintah daerah dan badan hukum Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang penerbangan. 
Pasal 21 
(1) Direktur Jenderal memberikan sertifikat bandar udara sementara atau register bandar udara sementara kepada penanggung jawab operasional bandar udara setelah hasil pemeriksaan teknis operasional memenuhi persyaratan keselamatan penerbangan. 
(2) Sertifikat bandar udara sementara atau register bandar udara sementara sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) berlaku untuk jangka waktu tidak lebih 60 (enam puluh) hari dan dapat diperpanjang.  
Pasal 22 
Penyelenggara bandar udara yang telah mendapatkan izin pengoperasian atau sertifikat operasi bandar udara dari Direktur Jenderal sebelum tanggal berlakunya Peraturan ini dapat tetap melaksanakan pengoperasian sesuai dengan izin yang dimiliki, hingga berakhirnya masa berlaku izin pengoperasian atau sertifikat operasi bandar udara tersebut.  
Pasal 23 
Direktur melaksanakan pengawasan terhadap pelaksanaan Peraturan ini.         
Pasal 24 
Peraturan ini mulai  berlaku sejak tanggal disahkan.  
Disahkan di  :  J  A  K  A  R  T  A Pada Tanggal :      23 MARET 2010 
SALINAN Peraturan ini disampaikan kepada : 
1. Menteri Perhubungan; 2. Wakil Menteri Perhubungan; 3. Sekretaris Jenderal Departemen Perhubungan; 4. Inspektur Jenderal Departemen Perhubungan; 5. Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara; 6. Para Direktur di Lingkungan Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara; 7. Kepala Badan Pengelola Minyak dan Gas; 8. Para Kepala Kantor Administrator Bandar Udara; 9. Para Kepala UPT Bandar Udara di lingkungan Ditjen Perhubungan Udara; 10. Direktur Utama PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero); 11. Direktur Utama PT. Angkasa Pura II (Persero).  
Salinan sesuai dengan aslinya 
Kepala Bagian Hukum Setditjen Perhubungan Udara    
RUDI RICHARDO, SH, MH Pembina / (IV/a) NIP. 19670118 199403 1 001 
Lampiran Peraturan Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Udara Nomor  : SKEP/43/III/2010 Tanggal : 23 Maret 2010          
      Daftar Isi 
1. Permohonan Penerbitan Sertifikat Bandar Udara ...................................................... 1 2. Permohonan Penerbitan Register Bandar Udara ....................................................... 2 3. Permohonan Perpanjangan Sertifikat Bandar Udara ................................................. 3  4. Permohonan Perpanjangan Register Bandar Udara .................................................. 4  5. Permohonan Pengecualian Dari Kewajiban (exemption) ........................................... 5                              

Appendiks 1 
PERMOHONAN PENERBITAN SERTIFIKAT BANDAR UDARA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
Nomor  :      Jakarta, .......................... Lampiran : Perihal  : Permohonan Penerbitan   KEPADA     Sertifikat Bandar Udara Yth.:  DIREKTUR  JENDERAL PERHUBUNGAN UDARA    di    J A K A R T A  Dengan hormat, yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini : 
Nama Lengkap    :  Jabatan     :  Nomor telepon /Fax /Email    :  Alamat     :  Kode pos                       :  Selaku pemilik/pengelola bandar udara :  Nama bandar udara     : Pemilik bandar udara     : Pengelola bandar udara    : Koordinat geografis ARP (WGS 84)   : Jarak ke kota atau ke daerah hunian terdekat : Status pengoperasian Bandar udara    : Umum/khusus Pesawat udara terbesar yang beroperasi   : Uraian tentang lahan dan kepemilikannya   :  Dengan ini mengajukan permohonan mendapatkan sertifikat bandar udara dengan kelengkapan antara lain  : a. Akta Pendirian Perusahaan / Lembaga; b. Buku pedoman pengoperasian bandar udara ( Aerodrome manual);  c. Buku pedoman sistim manajemen keselamatan operasi bandar udara ( Aerodrome SMS Manual ); d. Bukti pembayaran PNBP sesuai peraturan yang berlaku.   Demikian disampaikan dan atas perhatiannya diucapkan  terima kasih. 
Hormat kami Tanda tangan (................Nama................)
Tembusan :  Direktur Bandar Udara.
    Appendiks 2 
PERMOHONAN PERPANJANGAN SERTIFIKAT BANDAR UDARA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
Nomor  :      Jakarta, .......................... Lampiran : Perihal  : Permohonan Perpanjangan  KEPADA     Sertifikat Bandar Udara Yth.:  DIREKTUR  JENDERAL PERHUBUNGAN UDARA    di    J A K A R T A  Dengan hormat, yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini :  Nama Lengkap    :  Jabatan     :  Nomor telepon /Fax /Email    :  Alamat     :  Kode pos                       :  Selaku pemilik/pengelola bandar udara :  Nama bandar udara     : Pemilik bandar udara     : Pengelola bandar udara    : Koordinat geografis ARP (WGS 84)   : Jarak ke kota atau ke daerah hunian terdekat : Status pengoperasian Bandar udara    : Umum/khusus Pesawat udara terbesar yang beroperasi   : Uraian tentang lahan dan kepemilikannya   :  Dengan ini mengajukan permohonan mendapatkan sertifikat bandar udara dengan kelengkapan antara lain  : a. Akta Pendirian Perusahaan / Lembaga; b. Buku pedoman pengoperasian bandar udara ( Aerodrome manual);  c. Buku pedoman sistim manajemen keselamatan operasi bandar udara ( Aerodrome SMS Manual ); d. Bukti pembayaran PNBP sesuai peraturan yang berlaku; e. sertifikat atau register bandar udara yang akan berakhir masa berlakunya; dan f. hasil pemeriksaan teknis operasional berkala tahunan dan atau hasil pengawasan keselamatan operasi bandar udara (audit, inspeksi, pengamatan). Demikian disampaikan dan atas perhatiannya diucapkan  terima kasih.  Hormat kami Tanda tangan (................Nama................) Tembusan :  Direktur Bandar Udara. 2
Appendiks 3 
PERMOHONAN PENERBITAN REGISTER BANDAR UDARA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
Nomor  :      Jakarta, .......................... Lampiran : Perihal  : Permohonan Penerbitan   KEPADA     Register Bandar Udara Yth.:  DIREKTUR  JENDERAL PERHUBUNGAN UDARA    di    J A K A R T A 
Dengan hormat, yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini : 
Nama Lengkap    :  Jabatan     :  Nomor telepon /Fax /Email    :  Alamat     :  Kode pos                       :  Selaku pemilik/pengelola bandar udara :  Nama bandar udara     : Pemilik bandar udara     : Pengelola bandar udara    : Koordinat geografis ARP (WGS 84)   : Jarak ke kota atau ke daerah hunian terdekat : Status pengoperasian Bandar udara    : Umum/khusus Pesawat udara terbesar yang beroperasi   : Uraian tentang lahan dan kepemilikannya   :  Dengan ini mengajukan permohonan mendapatkan sertifikat bandar udara dengan kelengkapan antara lain  : a. Akta Pendirian Perusahaan / Lembaga; b. Buku pedoman pengoperasian bandar udara ( Aerodrome manual);  c. Bukti pembayaran PNBP sesuai peraturan yang berlaku.  
Demikian disampaikan dan atas perhatiannya diucapkan  terima kasih. 
Hormat kami 
Tanda tangan (................Nama................) 
Tembusan :  Direktur Bandar Udara.
Appendiks 4 
PERMOHONAN PERPANJANGAN REGISER BANDAR UDARA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
Nomor  :      Jakarta, .......................... Lampiran : Perihal  : Permohonan Perpanjangan  KEPADA     Register Bandar Udara Yth.:  DIREKTUR  JENDERAL PERHUBUNGAN UDARA    di    J A K A R T A  Dengan hormat, yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini : 
Nama Lengkap    :  Jabatan     :  Nomor telepon /Fax /Email    :  Alamat     :  Kode pos                       :  Selaku pemilik/pengelola bandar udara :  Nama bandar udara     : Pemilik bandar udara     : Pengelola bandar udara    : Koordinat geografis ARP (WGS 84)   : Jarak ke kota atau ke daerah hunian terdekat : Status pengoperasian Bandar udara    : Umum/khusus Pesawat udara terbesar yang beroperasi   : Uraian tentang lahan dan kepemilikannya   :  Dengan ini mengajukan permohonan mendapatkan sertifikat bandar udara dengan kelengkapan antara lain  : a. Akta Pendirian Perusahaan / Lembaga; b. Buku pedoman pengoperasian bandar udara ( Aerodrome manual);  c. Bukti pembayaran PNBP sesuai peraturan yang berlaku; d. sertifikat atau register bandar udara yang akan berakhir masa berlakunya; dan e. hasil pemeriksaan teknis operasional berkala tahunan dan atau hasil pengawasan keselamatan operasi bandar udara (audit, inspeksi, pengamatan).  Demikian disampaikan dan atas perhatiannya diucapkan  terima kasih.  Hormat kami Tanda tangan (................Nama................) Tembusan :  Direktur Bandar Udara. 4
Appendiks 5 
PERMOHONAN PENGECUALIAN DARI KEWAJIBAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   
Nomor  :      Jakarta, .......................... Lampiran : Perihal  : Permohonan Pengecualian  KEPADA     dari Kewajiban Yth.:  DIREKTUR  JENDERAL PERHUBUNGAN UDARA    di    J A K A R T A  
Dengan hormat, yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini : 
Nama Lengkap    :  Jabatan     :  Nomor telepon /Fax /Email    :  Alamat     :  Kode pos                       : 
Selaku pemilik/pengelola bandar udara : 
Nama bandar udara     : Pemilik bandar udara     : Pengelola bandar udara    : Koordinat geografis ARP (WGS 84)   : Jarak ke kota atau ke daerah hunian terdekat : Status pengoperasian Bandar udara    : Umum/khusus Pesawat udara terbesar yang beroperasi   : Uraian tentang lahan dan kepemilikannya   : 
Dengan ini mengajukan permohonan mendapatkan pengecualian dari kewajiban ( exemption ) dengan melampirkan dokumen pengelolaan keselamatan (safety plan) antara lain  : 
a. Identifikasi hazard; b. Risk assessment; dan c. Mitigasi.   
 Demikian disampaikan dan atas perhatiannya diucapkan  terima kasih.  
Hormat kami 
Tanda tangan 
Tembusan :  Direktur Bandar Udara. 
Salinan sesuai dengan aslinya 
Kepala Bagian Hukum Setditjen Perhubungan Udara   
RUDI RICHARDO, SH, MH Pembina / (IV/a) NIP. 19670118 199403 1 001          

Friday, October 12, 2012



A very warm welcome aboard Mach Aviatrix Mach Aviatrix is a premier flying school functioning out of Dumaguete in the Philippines. Mach would be a professional choice to the students with a quest to become, top class flying professionals, maintenance engineers and also succeed in the hospitality field, as we are a set of highly qualified instructors who will use their experience to impart the best knowledge and help build a strong base which will enable the students for the rest of their career. Mach will standby as a mentor right through the training, up untill the student settles down with a flying career. Mach is an approved organization from the CAAP and will thrive to implement the right attitude towards flying to the students.

Mach Base Dumaguete is a beautiful Island with clear blue seas around. The terrain and locality will be a challenging condition for the student to learn and fly out in colours to become a successful pilot, as it provides a suitable weather condition,with most of the days being sunny throughout the year ..
After a long hard thought on the location, we have chosen Dumaguete as it provides a balance between work and leisure. Students have a wide range of malls, theaters,white sand beaches, clubs& restaurants and an attractive tourist destination, it is also a hub for some of the best world class universities in the Philippines hence a popular place for foreign students as it is a calm and a peaceful place to study. This could also create a possibility for our students to enroll for a degree while learning how to fly, as knowledge never ends and thus we encourage our students to further qualify themselves.

Safety first
Mach Aviatrix will provide the best flight training by keeping up with
the high standards of safety set by the Aviation Authorities and we will
not compromise on safety under any circumstances during the course
ofthe training. Student's safety is our prime concern and hence it is on
high priority under Mach Aviatrix operating guidelines.

Mach Progress
We look to develop our Institute further by signing up airlines with our neighboring countries and inviting them for an r,:;:===niiiii===~=:-----:==;;;:;;;;:~===========:;;:::::;") on campus interview. As the student is on. We look to affiliate our institute with the Joint Aviation Authority which is different from the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines and therefore an asset to the student on his subsequent return to his /her home country. the last leg of the training, this will help provide an opportunity for the student to settle with an airline offer right after graduating from Mach Aviatrix. We
want to go that extra mile to help a student to the maximum.

Accommodation is a place of dwelling and we at Mach Aviatrix believe that a completely rested mind is capable of a better
performance. Some of the housing amenities is as listed below. All of these facilities is at no extra cost to the student. The
housing plan is on twin sharing basis while, individual accommodation is also available which is not included in the fee structure.

Room facilities
The accommodation isfully furnished with spacious room with all necessary facilities
Which includes Wi-Fi internet, Refrigerator, Television, Air-condition.
Mach Aviatrix will provide to and fro transportation
from the accommodation to the training center.

Sports and Recreation
We believe in the proverb "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" thus we have arranged various outdoor
activities as listed below:
Swimming Pool Gym
Cricket Volley Ball
Basketball Chess

Health care
The Silliman medical center in Dumaguete is a world class health organization, where students can seek medical
advice in case of a health related issue and Mach Aviatrix will bear the consultation charges.

Board of directors

Capt Balaji Arumugam Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Capt Balaji is an experienced pilot .His impeccable knowledge and commitment has helped him set very high standards. He currently holds an ATPL and gives prime importance to safety. He is an integral cog in the Mach Aviatrix performance.

Capt Rashmi Kariappa (Bachelor of Information Technology) Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Capt Rashmi is an experienced flight instructor and holds a degree in Information Technology. She loves new challenges and will be heading the marketing division apart from imparting her flying
knowledge to the students.

Capt Athol Ajith Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Capt Athul Ajith graduated from the Malaysian flying academy and currently holds a JAA frozen ATPL and is qualified flight instructor. He loves to work under pressure and will be heading the finance department. He has the ability to work under any situation, and can tackle problems easily. Sincerity and dedication are his prime qualities.

Capt Joyance john Anbumani ( Vice President Quality Control

Capt Joyance is known for his perfection at work. He has a lot of experience in various airlines and an excellent planner. Safety is given a lot importance in his work ethics, therefore will be heading the quality control department and will be a mentor to the students.

Capt Akhilesh Muralidhar (BE .Electronics) Vice President Operations
Capt Akhilesh has a lot of experience in various airline operations and also in the Inflight department. Currently holds JAA frozen ATPL and will be conducting ground classes for the students.

Commercial Pilot License
Mach commercial pilot program is designed to produce some top class aviation
professionals. This program helps achieving the students dream of flying for an
airline. The holder of a commercial pilot license can exercise the privileges of flying for an
airline and will be on a fixed payroll as per the industry standards from the airline he/she
receives an offer after the completion of the course.

Private Pilot License
The holder of a Private pilot license can access the privileges of flying a privately owned aircraft to build up flight time and thus will not be benefited with an income with this license. Although there is no income still he/she can enjoy all the privileges for personal recreation and leisure flying. Instrument Rating. Instrument Rating is a qualification that a pilot must have in order to fly under instrument flight rules. To acquire this qualification the student will be trained and will be given complete practice on all flight instruments, so that he/she can navigate through the clouds, by means of all navigational aids when poor visibility conditions prevail.

Flight Instructor License
The holder of a flight instructor license will be exercising the privileges of imparting knowledge and skill to a student. There are various exams and flight tests that have to be passed in order to achieve this prestigious license. Many pilots use this as an hour building tool. Multi - Engine Rating Piper Seneca PA-34-200, Islander BN-2A-21, Piper Aztec Multi - Engine Build-up Time 50 Hrs, 100 Hrs, 200 Hrs, 300 Hrs, 500 Hrs. Additional Rating License Renewal & Flight Recency. Please Visit our Website to know about the packages and Fees Structure.
What: tl'rJJ JJtJqj gg;tf iffJJtJqj e~ljaf/J witli; Mafl:h 4JJiatJJ~
(This Offer is only for the CPL Packages)

Zero Cost Flights: An exceptional idea to give the student 20hrs extra as a safety pilot with no additional cost. Student will graduate from Mach Aviatrix with an additional 20hrs of flying experience
apart from the Flight time specified in the training package.

Airline Orientation: Upon completion of the course the student will receive an opportunity to fly once in the flight deck (Jump Seat) on a routine Commercial flight.Helshe will get the first-hand experience to see the actual procedure and the functions during Flight. The choice of Aircrafts forth is program
would be the Airbus I Boeing I Citation I ATR (according to the availability of aircraft) which
will enable the student to acquire the ground knowledge and visualize each and every movement
during scheduled operations of an airline.

License Renewal: After student completes the course, the necessary flying for first License Renewal will be our responsibility and the requirement for this process is 20 HRs of flight time recency. This cost of flying would be met by Mach Aviatrix.

JAASyllabus: Mach Aviatrix is happy to announce that we will be the first to conductJAA ground classes in the Philippines, along with the course. The classes will be conducted by JAA graduates, as we aim to build a strong foundation , so that no time is wasted by the student on his/her subsequent
return to their respective countries to clear CPL Conversion exams and further in the airline
examinations and Interview.

Air Hostess Course with Diploma in Aviation, Hospitality and Travel~Management
Duration: 1 Year
Are you dynamic and passionate, friendly and empathetic? The Mach Aviatrix Cabin Crew
training is a cosmopolitan mix of young professionals who wish to become flight attendants.
They are innovative forward-thinkers, travel-hungry explorers who tirelessly exceed
customer expectations across various destinations on different aircraft s and that s what
makes Cabin Crew unique and a critical part of the service industry and set high standards
for service excellence.
As Cabin Crew, you will enjoy an attractive salary package, fully-furnished shared
accommodation, unrivalled opportunities for career advancement and exclusive discounts on
shopping and leisure activities .. Apply today for a Mach aviatrix Cabin Crew training and
enjoy the benefits of a rewarding career and graduating with a diploma in aviation and
hospitality approved by TESDA.

We want to invent fresh and aspiring young individuals who wish to excel in the field of
aviation & hospitality. There is a detailed program for the students which includes
personality development, cabin services, basic safety & first aid. The curriculum has
been channelized by highly experienced ex flight pursers. Thus the student can gain the
maximum from the years of experience help by our instructors.

We have a state of the art in- flight simulator for students to perform their safety equipment checks and their
locations, cabin services drills and role plays, simulated emergency procedures and door operations, galley
familiarization and basic aircraft exteriors.

At MachAviatrix, we pride ourselves on representing the professional and stylish
training standards. Essential to the maintenance of this image is our strong
focus on a consistently high standard of grooming. Standards have been
established and all students are expected to demonstrate these standards
throughout the course duration.

• • •• • •
Dumaguete Airport
Sibulan, Negros Oriental
Philippines; 6201.
Email: / info@machaviatrix. com /
Tel/Fax : +63- 35- 4197121 / +63- 35- 4197121
Mobile: TM: +63- 9262745000
GLOBE: +63- 9277551900
SMART: +63- 9193765005
Follow us:
Where Dream's Come True


Mach commercial pilot program is designed to produce some top class aviation professionals. This program helps achieving the student's dream of flying for an airline.The holder of a commercial pilot license can exercise the privileges of flying for an airline and will be on a fixed payroll as per
the industry standards from the airline he/she receives an offer after the completion of the course.
The requirements to obtain a commercial pilot license differ from country to country and the student has to meet all criteria 's set by the ICAO.

Contents included in LICENSES and RATINGS: Contents included in FLIGHT TRAINING:

I. Student Pilot License I. Dual Flights
2. Private Pilot License 2. Pilot in Command Flights (PIC)
3. Commercial Pilot License 3. Solo Flights
4. Additional Rating (Cessna-172) 4. Cross Country Flights
5. Multi Engine Rating(not applicable for- Package !50 A) 5. Instrument Flights
6. Instrument Rating 6. Night Flights
7. Radio Telephony License
8. English Language Proficiency

You may choose a program from the various options below:

(150 A) 150 HRs with CPL/I.R Duration: 8 - 10 Months
Detail No. of Hours Price/Hr Total
Cessna-152 110 100 $ 11000 $
Cessna-1 72 40 160 $ 6400 $
Flight Simulator 30 30 $ 900 $
Operational &Nav charges - 3600 $
Ground Classes & Training 250 - 1600 $
Flight Instruction & Briefing - - 4000 $
TOTAL 27500$
(Above program ts based on the mmtmum number of hours requtred by the Ctvtl Avwtwn. Actual hours may exceed the mmunum dependmg on mdtvulual performance) .

(150 B) 150 HRs with CPL/I.RIM.E Duration: 8 - 10 Months
Detail No. of Hours PriceiHr Total
Cessna-152 100 100 $ 10000$
Cessna-172 35 160 $ 5600$
Piper Seneca I Piper Aztec (Multi Engine) 15 - 4350 $
Flight Simulator 30 30$ 900$
Operational &Nav charges - 4550 $
Ground Classes & Training 250 - 1600 $
Flight Instruction & Briefing - - 4000 $
TOTAL 31000$
(Above program is based on the minimum number of hours required by the Civil Aviation. Actual hours may exceed the minimum tlepending on individual performance).

(150 C) 150 HRs with CPLII.RIM.E 100Hrs Build up time Duration: 12- 14 Months
Detail No. of Hours PriceiHr Total
Cessna-152 100 100 $ 10000 $
Cessna-172 35 160 $ 5600$
Piper Seneca I Piper Aztec (Multi Engine) 115 - 21000$
Flight Simulator 30 30$ 900$
Operational &Nav charges - 6400$
Ground Classes & Training 250 - 1600$
Flight Instruction & Briefing - - 4000 $
TOTAL 49500$

What do you get if you enroll with Mach Aviatrix!

Zero Cost Flights: An exceptional idea to give the student 20 hours of extra flying with no additional cost. The student will graduate from Mach.
Aviatrix with 200.0 HRs (Option 150 A, B) and 300.0 HRs (Option 150 C).
Airline Orientation: Upon completion of the course the student will receive an opportunity to fly once in the flight deck (Jump Seat) on a real flight.He/she will get the first-hand experience to see the actual procedure and the functions during Flight. The choice of Aircrafts forthis program would be the Airbus I Boeing I Citation I ATR (according to availability) which will enable the student to acquire ground knowledge and visualize each and every movement in the flight deck.
License Renewal: After student completes the course, the flying for first License Renewal will be provided by Mach Aviatrix, which needs 20 HRs of flight time recency. Thiscost of flying would be met by Mach Aviatrix.
JAASyllabus: Mach Aviatrix is happy to announce that we will be the first to hold actual JAAground classes in Philippines, along with the course.The classes will be conducted by actual JAA graduates, as we aim to build a strong foundation from the word go so that no time is wasted by the student on his/her subsequent return to their respective countries to clear CPL Conversion exams and further in the airline examinations and Interview.


Pilot supplies&Immigration:
License Process & Transportation:
Food & Accommodation: 3700$, 2250$, 4650$ (Optional)
Books, 3 set ofuniforms, a pair of wings & shoulder epaulets,
T- Shirts and Pilot Materials.
Visa Extensions, Special student Permits, NBI clearance and Airport charges.
To& fro transport from the training center to the accommodation.
CAAP fees for the processing of all Licenses, Ratings, Permits, Check rides, Exams,
NTC Radio License, English language proficiency & Medicals Class- 1 & Class- 2.
Travel expenses to Manila to appear for various exams & accommodation in Manila.
Accommodation in the Philippines until the completion of course.
Shared Lodging fully Air-conditioned, Lounge, Wi-Fi, Cable-TV and other recreations
Home cooked meals, (3 times a day) with snacks and drinks.
CAAP Operational charges and landing fees are subject to change based on the actual landings and total dis tance covered on a particular flig ht.
Fees are not inclusive of Tax.


Are you looking to travel the world for a rewarding career?
Cabin Crews are innovative, explorers who flawlessly exceed customer expectations while under pressure and that’s what makes Cabin Crew a unique and a critical part of the service industry and set high standards for service excellence while maintaining the high levels of safety implied by the airline. The Mach Aviatrix Cabin Crew training program will look to provide impeccable training to young individuals, who seek to set themselves off on this beautiful lucrative journey.
As Cabin Crew, you will enjoy an attractive salary package, travel perks and an excellent opportunity to move forward along with the growth of the airline. Apply today for a Mach aviatrix Cabin Crew training and enjoy the benefits of a rewarding career and graduating with a diploma in Aviation, Hospitality & Travel Management approved by TESDA.


The syllabus will comprise of the modules as listed below for one year diploma training.  General Module 215 Hours :

1. Personality Development
A program designed exclusively to enhance the confidence and motivate the student. The module helps improve the body language which will play a major role during the interview process for flight attendants.
2. Grooming
This will be theoretical and as well as a one on one session with our grooming instructor. The student will be groomed to meet the airline standards and hence will be given their own personal make up kits.
3. Hospitality
This will refine the skills of a student while working In flight or at any of the major five star hotels. The module will educate the student on the different departments in a hotel. They will be thoroughly trained to perform duties at front office, housekeeping, room service, Food & Beverages, lounge and spa. There will be core emphasis on customer interactions under extreme pressure while maintaining the standards set by the hotel/airline.
4. English Language Proficiency
A good command over the language of English will boost the confidence and help maintain a positive body language during the interview.
5. Personal Assessment/ Mock Interview
We will conduct surprise interview as per the airline /hotel standards, which will give enough practice and a good knowledge on how to successfully face interviews.
 In Flight Services Module 327 Hours
6. Basic Safety Emergency Procedures / SEP Practicals
A thorough knowledge on flight attendants safety equipments, In flight and practical use of each of the equipments. This will assist the student once selected with a commercial airliner to perform duties of a flight attendant.
7. Cabin Services / Practicals / Mock Drills
The module brings in sophistication in the way in flight customer services are performed. The program will help the student move forward and help to build a better rapport with customers and the training will be conducted in the institute simulator.
8. First Aid / Practicals / Viva
By the meaning of the word first aid "initial help before medics arrive ", the student will be given knowledge on how to be a first aider and this will also help in routine daily life.
9. Crew Resource Management (CRM)
This module will improvise on team work and better coordination with colleagues.
10. Swimming
As one of the requirements to qualify to become a flight attendant is to be able to swim atleast 50m and hence we will be providing one month extensive swim training to the student with an expert trainer.
11. Aircraft Visit
The student will be given hands on experience in an actual commercial airline.
 Airport Ground Services Module 200 Hours
12. Basic Airport handling
With theoretical and practical explanation the student will be given the exposure on how to work in an airport environment and also minute details about the rules & regulations and safety measures to be followed whilst working in an airport.
13. Airside safety
In order to successfully work at an airport one must have exclusive knowledge of the signs, symbols and other parameters designed for an airport.
14. Dangerous Goods Regulation
This module imparts in-depth knowledge about the hazardous materials and their carriage on-board.
15. Customer service excellence program will bring out the best in the student, in order to excel and deliver the best customer satisfaction as expected in the customer service industry. On successful completion of this module the student will be awarded with a certificate in customer service excellence.
16. Reservation & ticketing
The student will be trained on the latest systems approved by IATA such as Galileo & Fidelio used to make a reservation, passenger check-in at an airport and front office reservations in renowned hotels around the world.
17. Travel Management
This module will impart general knowledge of countries around the world. The students will be educated on the capitals, time calculations and ICAO country codes.
18. Airport Familiarization

We will allow the student to spend a lot of time in each department of an airport while operations are in process. This way he/she will have an added advantage when selected by an airline to perform duties as a customer service executive at an airport.
The above modules will educate the student on all the subjects, which will help gain an added advantage and be flexible while seeking subsequent employment upon completion of the course in different fields such as, In flight, travel management, hospitality, airport ground services and other related vacancies in the customer service industry.


On successful completion of the course the student will be awarded with the following certificates.
Personality Development Certificate Excellence in Cabin Services Certificate
Basic Safety Emergency Procedures Certificate First Aid Certificate
Crew Resource Management Certificate Basic Airport Handling Certificate
Reservation & Ticketing Certificate Telephone Etiquette training Certificate
Customer Service Excellence training Certificate Airside Safety Certificate
Dangerous goods Regulation training Certificate Swimming training Certificate
Flight Attendant Course Completion Certificate
Diploma in Aviation Hospitality & travel Management Certificate


The above fees is inclusive of
[Food & Accommodation, Visa, Transportation, Books, 2 set of uniforms, First Aid Kit and Make up Kit]

 Female - at least 5'2 in height
 Male - at least 5'6 in height
 Good set of teeth, Clear skin, no blemishes, no scars, and no visible tattoos while in Cabin Crew uniform.
 Age – 17 to 24years
 Student should have completed high school or equivalent.
 Student must be able to speak, read and write English.
 Student must be medically fit.


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Aviation & Airlines Career

Aviation Career
  • Air Traffic Control
  • Aeronautical Information Services
  • Communication Informations Services
  • Aviation Security / Airport Security
  • Airport Operations & Management
  • Airport Technic (Navigations, Electric, Electronic, Civil)
Airlines Career
  • Pilot (Fix / Rotary)
  • Flight Attendant (FA)
  • Flight Operation Officer (FOO)
  • Aircraft Mechanic
  • Aviation Security (AVSEC)
  • Dangerous Goods Regulation (DGR)
  • Ticketing
Ground Handling

Cargo Handling

Jobs Vacancies

Wants to be an AIRMAN? we are very pleasure to help you. For more informations, do not hesited to contact us by phone. +62 81 3999 40615 or e-mail.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Mactan Cebu Aero Flying Center of Philippines

Mactan-Cebu Aero-Flying Center
website :

Mactan-Cebu Aero-Flying Center is strategically located in the heart of the Republic of the Philippines in the island of Mactan linked by two beautiful bridges from the main land of the bustling Cebu, a tourist destination known around the Asia-Pacific region and around the world for its pristine and gorgeous beaches and hospitable people.
The school is situated in Mactan island, a place that harbors processing zones dominated by foreign investors, resorts that cater the dreams of human hearts.

The school had visualized to become an institution in the development of an excellent aviation personnel to meet the emerging global demand of an excellent professionals in the air space industry.

The institution aims to produce excellent aeronautic professionals that could excellently perform and serve the global aviation industry through excellent level of instruction.

The flying center is manned and powered by personnel who are competent and excellent in the field of aeronautics and other aspects of aviation.

Good Luck to be a Pilot


The school was founded and registered under Philippine Laws through the Securities and Exchange Commission last January 9, 2008 with Mactan-Cebu Aero Flying Center Corporation as its official name for and in any legal processes.

The school was founded by Nerio M. Giangan who had been a graduate of the Philippine Airforce College of Aeronautics and had finished a Bachelor's Degree on Aircraft Maintenance Engineering. Equipped with the knowledge on aircraft maintenance and design he had made himself employed with several aviation companies. Attaining skills on ground services was not his only dream, he explore the skies by aircraft's wings through flight instructions where which he was able to achieve as one of the pilots with Private Pilot License.Incorporating all the skills and knowledge he got, he invested those into repair and maintenance of airplanes under his name, his own company. The founder having the qualities of an entrepreneur expand his thoughts and accommodate the growing demand of individuals who aimed to become pilots. Thus a flying school was born which was named Mactan-Cebu Aero Flying Center Corporation and now operating in tandem with the repair and maintenance company of the founder to assure the safety and maintenance of the airplanes used for the flight instructions of the students.

The school is aiming to produce tough guys to rule the skies and as the institution traverse with time it had produced quality pilots, it is a place where tough guys of the sky were born. The school hopes to sustain in producing disciplined pilots of the sky, air knights. Air Knights are pilots that had attained trainings from Mactan-Cebu Aero Flying Center Corporation and achieved their corresponding licenses.The descriptive words Air Knight simply define the people, the training, the discipline that had been laid at Mactan Cebu Aero Flying Center Corporation in producing tough guys of the sky in accordance with the standards set by the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

The school has 2 Cessna 152, a Cessna 172 and a twin-engine aircraft , a Seneca. The school had been operating since its founding day with 1 accountable manager, 1 quality manager, 2 flight instructors, 1 ground instructor and 3 mechanics.

The facilities are to include a pilot lounge, library, classroom, simulator area and an office for business transactions.

Presently the school has 16 students, 1 Syrian and 15 Filipinos and were in different levels of completion. The school can accommodate 10 students in a batch as we had programmed our flight instructions in 1 Cessna 152 to 5 students.

The school is based at the general aviation area of Mactan-Cebu International Airport located at the central part of the Philippine archipelago where the weather is favorable year round for flight instructions.

We are currently approved by the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines to conduct training on courses such as Private Pilot License Course and Commercial Pilot License Course.

Around the school premises are boarding houses and hotels which can accommodate the billeting requirements of the students.The school has reserved a house for any students who will come however it is the obligation of the students to pay its rental, water and current consumption expenses.

Anybody can reach us through our website which is with its email address, or through with telephone number +63 032 4957654 or through its telefax number, +63 032 5050394.


Approved Maintenance Organization Certificate No. 55-04
Bureau of customs CAS Accreditation No. RCASRIM0629205-09
Mayor’s Permit No. 00604807
TIN No. 180-398-628-000
DTI (Dept. of Trade and Industry) Certificate No. 00240324

Mission and Vision


To produce world-class standard aeronautic professionals able to perform excellently, to serve the global aeronautic industry through excellent level of instruction.


Mactan-Cebu Aero Flying School visions to be an institution in the development of world class standard aviation personnel to meet the emerging global demand of world class professional in the airline industry.


MACTAN-CEBU AERO FLYING CENTER CORPORATION (Philippines) is operating under the supervision of the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines which is a member of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) for which its rules and regulations are honoured by the member countries.

MCAFCC is based at the Mactan-Cebu International Airport(RPVM) of the Philippines. Founded and become an institution in the year of 2006 as a Flight Training School and had visioned to provide special schemes to attain excellent education for aviators through the incorporation of Aviation English in order to achieve and tackle the responsibilities needed for the 21st century, an era of globalization.


To enroll in the Flight Training Course, the applicant must submit the following

Application for Admission [pdf format]
Police Clearance from your country of origin. [foreigner]
Photo copy of Passport. [foreigner]
Affidavit of Support from Parents or Guardian. [foreigner]
Birth Certificate.
Airman Medical Certificate issued by the Civil Aviation Authority of your country. [foreigner]

At least 18 years of age.
Must pass 2nd class airman medical test.
Proficient in the English language.
At least high school graduate.
Have good moral character

What can you expect from our flying center?

Limited class intakes.
Competent pilots and mechanics.
One on one flight training.
Not more than 6 students per batch.

Alfa Flying School of Indonesia

Welcome to Alfa Flying School

We can provide you with the knowledge and skills to soar through the skies. Choosing to train with Alfa Flying School (AFS) is the best choice you can make in your flying career. AFS will ensure you many enjoyable flying hours under the guidance of experienced instructors. In the process, you will be able to expand your horizons in flight and at the same time putting theoretical knowledge to practice.

Your ambition and dream, of having a professional career in aviation is an exciting and rewarding one. At AFS, we focus on ensuring that you not only have the qualifications but also the skills, character and qualities to achieve it. Your future is what you make of it. We are here to provide you the tools.Our Vision

The Vision of Alfa Flying School is to become a flying school which gives contribution to the world of aviation by providing a capable and profesional graduate.

Our Mission

The Mission of Alfa Flying School is to create an International standard professional pilot with high leadership skill and excellent attitude. By providing all training facilities to educate the student to became a profesional pilot. And cooperate with government and other private company to became part of Indonesia aviation education.

Together we will make your dreams come true.

PPL Course
CPL Course
CPL-IR Course
Endorsement PPL - CPL Course
IR Course
Multi Engine Course
ATPL Course
FI Course
Alfa Flying School has facilities you need to prepare for your airline career. With our Cessna 172, Alfa Flying School offers training for the individual courses

Deraya Flying School of Indonesia

Welcome to DERAYA
Website :

Welcome to the world of DERAYA. Here you will explore the DERAYA world of flight with its diverse range of facilities. DERAYA had 40 years experience in providing customized aviation services to the remotest parts of the Indonesian archipelago. Conveying clients or dispatching goods, using rotary wings or fixed wings equipment, for Your requirements, to satisfy Your needs.

For those of You who aspire to becoming a pilot, DERAYA has its own aviation school; The Deraya Flying School. Becoming a pilot is a career choice that is full of challenges and promises a bright future. After a relatively short program using requisite training equipment, You are ready to pursue a career as a pilot in one of many reputable airlines, either in the domestic or international world.

Or, for those of You that merely want to keep up your flying hours, practice your hobby of flying, or simply take a Joy Flight, You can join us at DERAYA.

Whatever Your needs are in the world of aviation, You can find it in the world of DERAYA and we guarantee You nothing but the best!

Latest News View All News Deraya Flying School On Twitter

Follow us on Twitter @FlyingDeraya for the latest updates on Deraya Flying School. We will be tweeting on our activities, student's training progress, training tips and tricks, aviation news and many more. Keep soaring above the clouds, pilot. -TB
Ground School DFS Start On 3rd Okt

After English Courses For Aviation , the Pilot students will take the ground school on 3rd Oktober thr lessons is Radio telephony. may they be able to follow the lesson very well.
Deraya Flying School

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Web Developer : Unodata | Web Design : HOPE+

Aero Flyer Institute of Indonesia

Welcome to Aero Flyer Institute

Thank you for visiting Aero Flyer Institute website. If you ever dream to fly, to reach the sky, travel to all around the world and have a fantastic career as a pilot, you have come to the right place. We can help you to make your dream come true.

Aero Flyer Institute is Indonesia’s leading Pilot training school and one of the most trusted names in Pilot training. Aero Flyer Institute is a sister company of Batavia-Air, one of well knowm Indonesia’s airline for safety and good services.

When airlines and corporations look for safety-minded aviation professionals, they turn to us. As a student at the Institute, you will know we’re dedicated to getting you into the cockpit as a pro pilot. That’s why we offer you the focused paths to the sky.

| The definitive Path |

Before you take to the skies, you must earn your wings. We, at Aero Flyer Institute, want to train you to be one of the most professional pilots in the industry. Aero Flyer Institute has a nationwide reputation for producing well-trained, professional graduates.

* Our connections to the Indonesia’s top airlines and corporate flight departments become your connections to a successful career and our Career Development Department has the resources you need to land the right job. Isn't it time to get started?

| Message from the President Director |

We are pleased that you are considering Aero Flyer Institute for your flight training, where a truly unique opportunity awaits you. A professional aviation career is like no other career. You can look forward to wonderful experiences and an opportunity to meet and work alongside some of the finest people in the world. But, to be qualified for this career you must possess qualities that can never be compromised.

A decision to pursue a professional aviation career carries with it some tremendous responsibilities: the lives of countless peoples and the safe operation of airplanes valued at millions of dollars. To be entrusted with these responsibilities you must be a leader, and to be a true leader you must be honest, respectful to others, disciplined, enthusiastic, and willing to lead by example.

If you are able to successfully complete the demanding courses of training at the Institute many career opportunities await you. But you need to possess the qualities I have already mentioned.

Congratulations on selecting our great aviation profession, and for choosing the best pilot training organization.

Dexter Leopard

Course Info |





USD 49,000



TYPE RATING BOEING 737 - 200, 300 / 400



Bali International Flight Academy

Welcome to Bali International Flight Academy.

We are the leading provider pilot training and employment in Indonesia, we offer integrated courses for individuals who are eager to achieve a bright career in the Aviation Industry.
Bali International Flight Academy is an accelerated training program, as we are here to train every student to obtain a full Commercial Pilot License in the highest standards possible.

Welcome to Bali international Flight Academy
Welcome to Bali International Flight Academy. We are the leading provider pilot training and employment in Indonesia, we offer integrated courses for individuals who are eager to achieve a bright career in the Aviation Industry.
Bali International Flight Academy is an accelerated training program, as we are here to train every student to obtain a full Commercial Pilot License in the highest standards possible.
We are internationally recognized and obtained certification from the Indonesian Directorate General of Civil Aviation, the International Civil Aviation Organization and are in compliance with FAA 141 section regulations.

Training Outline
The theory courses and flight training are conducted at the Bali International Flight Academy's facilities in Buleleng - Bali. The course are design based on minimum requirement of DGCA.
Modules of theory training are integrated with modules of flight training. Examination preparation, examinations and flight tests follow each module. Some modules have prerequisites, which are noted at each stage. All courses provided are based on the International standards of flight safety.
The basic requirements to obtain the license are approved by Indonesian DGCA (Directorate General of Civil Aviation) and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). It is obtained by successfully completing a course of flight training, passing a number of theory exams, and successfully demonstrating flying skills to an examiner during a flight test or checkride.

Program Courses

The course revolves around the training syllabus for the issuance of the:
Private Pilot License (PPL) qualification that permits the holder to act as the pilot of aircraft privately, i.e. not for remuneration. It allows command of any aircraft (subject to appropriate ratings) for any non-commercial purpose, and gives almost unlimited authority to fly under Visual Flight Rules.
Commercial Pilot License (CPL) is a qualification that permits the holder to act as the pilot of an aircraft for remuneration. Training for the certificate focuses on a better understanding of aircraft systems and high standard of airmanship.
Instrument Rating is an additional standard requirement for professional pilot.

Private Pilot License
(including Theory)
Course Duration:
PPL Flight Training Hours: 55 Hours
CPL Flight Training Hours: 85 Hours
Admission Requirements:
Completion of a Class 2 Medical
English Language Proficiency to DGCA minimum requirements

Privileges of License:
On completion of the Private Pilot License (PPL) a student can fly alone with passengers, by day, anywhere in Indonesia in visual flight conditions. Conversion from the Indonesian PPL to another ICAO license is relatively easy when the student returns home. The Private Pilot License is for recreational purposes, skydive flights and glider tug towing. Private pilots are limited to non-commercial category operations.

Tuition & Fees:
Program Tuition:
a) Private Pilot License Rp227,500,000
b) Commercial Pilot License with with IR Rp372,500,000
Above prices includes Room & Board for 12 months Rp600,000,000
Required Fees:
- Accident Insurance for 12 Months USD 550
Total Tuition & Fees:
Additional Service Fees
Room & Board (Extra per month) Rp4,000,000/month
Extra Flight/Hours Rp3,000,000/hour
Additional charges will be applied for failed student.
Additional course duration and/or flight hours of each student may vary according to adequacy of each student to achieve minimum standard requirement of Bali International Flight Academy.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice.

For further informations please visit website below :


Garuda Books Comprehensive Income of IDR 473,6 billion in the 3rd quarter of 2011

Monday, 31 October 2011 10:03:10

Category: Press Release (1676 view)
PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. (“Garuda”) succeeds in earning a revenue of IDR 6.9 trillion in the 3rd quarter of 2011, and booking a comprehensive income of IDR 473,6 biilion. Revenue-wise, Garuda Indonesia experiences a 40% increase compared to that of last year’s IDR 4.92 trillion. Meanwhile, its comprehensive income increased by 472% compared to the loss of 127.6 billion in the same period last year. Since launching the Quantum Leap expansion program, Garuda Indonesia has introduced various efficiency measures and expansion in the company’s operations which will see the airline progressing confidently till 2015.

The “Quantum Leap” program plays a strategic role in Garuda’s future development, particularly in preparing the foundation for the airline’s continued growth in a highly competitive and challenging business environment.

From the first till the third quarter of 2011, Garuda Indonesia consistently displayed significant increase in revenue and comprehensive income as well as remarkable performance in various areas of operations. Garuda Indonesia transported as many as 4.52 million passengers in quarter III/2001 or an increase of 28.7% compared to the 3.51 million passengers carried in the same period of the previous year. Availability seat kilometer/ASK also rose 20.66 to 8,44 billion from the 6,99 billion seat kilometer achieved in 2010. In addition, passenger “yield” experienced a rise of 19.5% or USC 10.3 against last year’s USC 8,62.

Throughout the third quarter of 2011, Garuda Indonesia’s flight frequency (domestic and international) also showed an increase of 24.8% or totaling 33.613 flights. During the same period last year, the number only reached 26.924 flights. In total, domestic flights rose 25.6% or 24.546 flights compared to last year’s 19.536 flights. Meanwhile, international flights increased by 25.74% or reached 5.853 flights compared to the total of 4.655 flights in same period the previous year.

In terms of Seat Load Factor/SLF, Garuda Indonesia managed to improve performance in quarter III/2011 by 2.37%, from the 76.44 percent achieved last year to 78.25 percent. Aircraft utilization increased 11% to 10:58 hours from the 9:52 hours clocked last year. The airline’s OTP in the quarter III/2011 is 85.03%.

During the third quarter of 2011, Garuda Indonesia also increased its market share in the domestic market to 31 percent, a rise of 5% compared to what was achieved during the same period last year, which reached 26 percent. The market in domestic passengers from January till July 2011 grew by 15%. However, Garuda Indonesia’s overall passenger volume during that period increased significantly by 39%, higher than the average 8% growth enjoyed by other airlines.

Meanwhile, international passenger volume, in the period from January till July 2011, grew by 14 % or 32% higher than that of other airlines which only a reach 10% growth.

Indeed, these achievements are remarkable in that they occurred in the midst of the less than conducive global economic climate caused by political unrest in the Middle East, the terrible earthquake and trsunami in Japan, as well as escalating rise in fuel prices.

Continuing with the airline fleet expansion program, since 2010, Garuda has further strengthened its fleet with 24 new aircraft, consisting of twenty-three Boeing 737-800 Next Generations and one Airbus A330-200. Since the beginning of 2011, Garuda has welcomed eleven new aircraft, comprising two A330-200s and nine B737-800 Next Generations.

In mid October, Garuda Indonesia’s 48th B737-800 NG was delivered, which also happens to be the 123rd aircraft of the B737 series delivered to Garuda Indonesia. The new B738-800NG is the airline’s second Boeing 737-800NG equipped with Boeing’s newest technology, the “Boeing Sky Interior”, which produces different color schemes in the cabin. Calming sky blue, relaxing sunset and warm sunrise colors are designed to enhance passenger comfort during the flight.

As with the other new aircraft which have already arrived, the new fleet addition also comes with state-of-the-art in-flight entertainment or an Audio & Video on Demand (AVOD)” in every seat. The interior of this new aircraft is decorated with the distinctive touch of Indonesia seen in the batik seat upholstery and woven bamboo motif on the plane’s cabin partition.

As the nation’s flag carrier, Garuda Indonesia’s commitment to maintain and preserve the country’s rich cultural heritage is embodied in the airline’s unique brand of service called the “Garuda Indonesia Experience” which blends warm and gracious Indonesian hospitality with professional service. The Garuda Indonesia Experience service concept covers all stages of travel, from “pre-journey, preflight, in-flight, to post-flight and post journey”. In tune to this ongoing commitment, in mid October, 2011, Garuda Indonesia, together with Indonesia musician, Addie MS, and renowned Indonesian producer of health and beauty products, Mustika Ratu, launched two innovative services and products characteristic of the Garuda Indonesia Experience, viz. the “Sound of Indonesia” and the “Garuda Aromatic Fragrance”.

“Sound of Indonesia” is a collection of regional and traditional songs from all over the Indonesian archipelago that has been rearranged by Addie MS. “Sound of Indonesia” will be the official music played on board Garuda Indonesia flights, in the airline’s lounges and in the Garuda Indonesia sales offices. Some of the traditional songs contained in the collection are Rasa Sayange, Janger, Ayo Mama, and Tanah Airku.

Meanwhile, “Garuda Aromatic Fragrance” is a special blend of aroma therapeutic scent made from fragrant cloves and other exotic spices. The fragrance will perfume the interior of Garuda Indonesia aircraft, executive lounges as well as its sales offices. The "Garuda Aromatic Fragrance” blend was exclusively created by Mustika Ratu.

As part of Citilink’s rejuvenation program, Garuda Indonesia and GE Capital Aviation Services (GECAS) signed an operating lease agreement for six brand new Airbus A320, which will begin delivery in 2013. The operating lease agreement acts as a bridge before the arrival of the other Airbus aircraft purchased by the airline. Starting in September of 2011, five new A320s will also arrive successively every month and received by Citilink. Furthermore, following the agreement signed between Garuda Indonesia and Airbus for the purchase of twenty-five new aircraft, Citilink expects the arrival of its new fleet additions in 2014. The sales contract also specified an option for an additional twenty-five A320s.

Through the “Quantum Leap” program, Garuda Indonesia plans to expand its fleet from the existing 89 aircraft to 154 aircraft. The new additions will consist of B737-800NG for domestic and regional services, A330-300/200 for middle and medium ranges and B777-300ER for long haul flights. The age of the aircraft will be 5 years old on average.

Garuda Indonesia also plans to acquire sub-100 aircraft, which has less than a hundred seats, to serve smaller cities and fly direct without stopping over in Jakarta.

Jakarta, October 28, 2011



GE Capital Aviation Services to Lease Six Airbus A320 Aircraft to Garuda’s Citilink

Friday, 14 October 2011 20:00:34

Category: Press Release (2134 view)
Jakarta, Indonesia – GE Capital Aviation Services Limited (GECAS), the commercial aircraft leasing and financing unit of GE, today announced the signing of an operating lease agreement for six new Airbus A320 aircraft with Garuda Indonesia’s Citilink unit. The aircraft will be powered by CFM56-5B engines.

The aircraft comes from GECAS’ existing order book with Airbus and are scheduled for delivery in the first half of 2013.

The agreement wa signed by Citilink Garuda EVP Finance and Citilink CEO Elisa Lumbantoruan, and GECAS Asia Pacific VP Sales David Settergen. It was witnessed by Emirsyah Satar, President & CEO Garuda Indonesia and Norman Liu, President & CEO of GECAS.

“This agreement is part og Garuda’s ongoing fleet revitalization with brand new aircraft from Airbus and Boeing,” said Emirsyah Satar, President & CEO Garuda Indonesia. “These aircraft will help modernize Citilink with new, reliable aircraft.”

“Garuda Indonesia is a valued customer and we’re pleased to be playing a role in their fleet modernization,” said Norman C.T. Liu, GECAS President & CEO. “Over the last couple of years, we have signed agreements totaling 17 new 737-800 aircraft and we are proud to welcome Citilink as a new logo among our customer base. We look forward to our continued association with both Garuda and Citilink in the years ahead.”

Garuda Indonesia, the national flag carrier of Indonesia, is a full-service network carrier serving 32 domestic and 17 international destinations. The airline’s main hubs in Indonesia are located in Jakarta, Denpasar, and Makassar. In July 2009, the airline unveiled a new aircraft fleet, new in-flight product, new service concept and a fresh corporate identity to mark the start of its transformation into one of Asia’s most successful and profitable airlines.

Garuda Indonesia received its IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) certification in May 2008, recognizing that the airline is fully compliant with global best-practice standards for flight operations, aircraft maintenance and safety management systems. In December 2009, the airline was also upgraded to a four-star rating by Skytrax, the global benchmark for airline service standards, confirming the improvement in its front-line product and service quality.

VP Corporate Communications